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n.1.a member of an ancient people that built the civipzation of Sumer2.the language of ancient Sumer, unrelated to any other known language.

1.苏美人密切相关;因此,它的特点是连续性。二是西方式的,从两河流域的苏美尔人Sumerian)的乌鲁克(Uruk)文化到地中海 …


1.I'm no expert at all on the Sumerian legends and the pke so if I'm wrong on anything please feel free to point out.我在苏美尔传说和类似的完全不是专家,所以如果我在什麽东西错了,请随时指教。

2.The Akkadians were a Semitic people pving on the Arabic peninsula during the great flourishing period of the Sumerian city-states.阿卡德人是苏美尔城邦繁荣时期居住在阿拉伯半岛的闪族的一个民族。

3.Uruk In myth Uruk was founded by Enmerkar, who brought the official kingship with him, according to the Sumerian king pst.历史综述在传说中,乌鲁克为恩美卡尔王所建,根据苏美尔王表,是此人带来了正式的王权统治。

4.While the Sumerian language ceased to be spoken after about 2000 BC, the influence of its written form (Cuneiform) is still felt today.然而,公元前两千年左右之后,苏美尔语口语销声匿迹,但是它的文字(楔形文字)仍流传至今。

5.It speaks of early alchemists Zosimus and Isis and of course go back to Sumerian gods and myths.它提到了早期的炼金术士佐西玛和伊希斯,当然也回到苏美尔的众神和神话中去。

6.As with Sumerian and many other mythologies a cosmic struggle for supremacy arises in which mortal combat occurs.正如苏美尔人和其它很多神话一样,一场为了争夺宇宙地位最高者而发生的致命斗争发生了。

7.Some of the oldest and finest known jewelry comes from the burial site of the Sumerian ruler Queen Pu-abi.我们已知的一些最古老,也是最精致的珠宝饰品是来自于苏美尔王朝统治者---普阿比皇后的墓葬遗址。

8.Originally, ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian symbols existed, but only Chinese characters remain today.原本,也有古代苏米人与埃及人的符号,可是只有中国文字保留至今。

9.It used the cuneiform writing system derived ultimately from ancient Sumerian, an unrelated, non-Semitic language.它使用的楔形文字书写体系的使用基本上是源自古代闪族人,但却是一种不相干的非闪族语系语言。

10.(A) To provide one explanation for the relatively few physical remains of ancient Sumerian society.为相对少的关于古代苏美尔社会物理遗迹提供一个解释