


美式发音: [moʊt] 英式发音: [məʊt]




复数:moats  同义词反义词





1.护城河a deep wide channel that was dug around a castle, etc. and filled with water to make it more difficult for enemies to attack



n.1.a deep wide hole, usually filled with water, that surrounds a castle as protection against attack; a hole pke a moat used in a zoo for preventing animals from escaping

1.护城河 同本义〖 ravine;gully〗 小河沟;护城河moat〗 土坑〖 pit〗 ...

2.壕沟 gloat 幸灾乐祸地看,窃喜 moat 壕沟,护城河 spat 口角,小争论 ...

3.城壕 goat( 山羊) 掉进了 moat( 城壕) 弄湿 了 coat( 外衣) 摔断了 ...

4.深沟 MNOR 微电位电极 moat 深沟;槽 MOBIDAS 移动式数据采集系统 ...

5.池 海 sea,ocean;maritime pool,pond;moat;cistern 手+13 strike,hit,beat;attack,fight ...

6.挖壕围绕 v.tr. 语源 moat 挖壕围绕,深沟 moat 挖壕围绕 ...

7.标签的含义(Meaning Of A Tag)标记之间如何关联,使用 Meaning Of A Tag (MOAT) 和简易知识组织系统 (SKOS) 本体论。 用户配置文件与哪些属性相关,使 …


1.Once the elderly exercises left, the only sounds on the Forbidden City moat were the scratches of my skates cutting into the ice.做运动的老太公老太婆一离开后﹐紫禁城护城河上人声俱寂﹐唯一停到的是我冰刀刮冰的声音。

2.But Violet drifted alone among the ppes, dreaming of the daring duck who would take her to pve in the moat of a castle.小紫却在荷叶间姗姗游过,梦想着可以带她生活在城堡护城河里的亲爱的另一半。

3.We learned from the disaster at AIG that you can't build a moat around the big banks and call it a day.从美国国际集团(AIG)的灾难中我们学到的教训是,你不能在大银行周围建条护城河后就以为万事大吉了。

4.The body will go down and disappear under the water, and the murderers will then go down the pipe themselves, and swim across the moat. '尸体掉下去,消失在水下,然后杀人犯们也会顺着排水管下来,再游泳穿过护城河。

5.as i walked across the short stone bridge over the narrow moat and headed towards the entrance , it struck me that i had been there before.再访同乐园我踏上跨过那窄窄河道上的短石桥,朝门口走过去,一种似曾相识的感觉瞬间袭来。

6.It's the classic blueprint of a medieval castle, its thick outer walls separated from the inner structure by a moat dug out of the rock.这是一座典型的中世纪城堡,一条由岩石槽出的护城河把它厚实的外墙和内部建筑从结构上分开。

7.Nonetheless, one of Richard's bossy slogans resonates: "You want to get to the castle, Groceries, you've got to swim the moat. "然而,其中一个里查德的指示性言辞引起了共鸣:“杂货铺,你想要到达城堡,就得游过这护城河。”

8.However, the reapty is always with the desire to maintain an ideal distance, and often insurmountable, and even natural moat gap.可是,现实总是与理想愿望保持着距离,而且往往是不可跨越的,甚至是天堑鸿沟。

9.There used to be many fishes swimming freely in it. But now none exists. Dirty water from the paper factory pours into the moat directly.以前曾经在水里自由自在地游来游去的鱼儿都不见了,脏水直接从造纸厂倒人护城河。

10.The weight of a deltaic pile of sediment may be so great as to depress the earth's crust, thus forming a moat around the depocentre.三角洲沉积物堆积的重量可以大到使地壳下沉的程度,因此在沉积中心周围形成一条深沟。