


网络释义:骑士;CAVS:Cryptographic Algorithm Vapdation System;骑士配色


1.骑士 15.马刺 Spurs 16.骑士 Cavs 17.猛龙 Raptors ...

2.CAVS:Cryptographic Algorithm Vapdation System三款安全芯片的十一个密码算法实现全部通过NIST的CAVSCAVS:Cryptographic Algorithm Vapdation System)测试,再 …

3.骑士配色 ... 308497-103AIR JORDAN 4 RETRO 白灰水泥 复刻鞋 308497-027Air Jordan 4 Cavs 骑士配色 ...

4.花线日规耐热汽车花线(AVX) .日规压缩导体薄皮汽车花线(CAVS) .日规压缩导体超薄汽车花线(CAVS) .美规一般汽车花线(GP…

5.高级运载系统研究中心 地理资源研究所( GRI) 高级运载系统研究中心CAVS) 计算科学研究中心( CC…


1."I bleed Cleveland, whether it be the Cavs or some of the other teams that are making me bleed more, " he said.“我流的是骑士的血,无论我在骑士还是其他的球队,”他说。

2.They should have had a plan in place in case James, whom the Cavs knew was going to test the open market, had left.骑士队用来打开市场的球星詹姆斯已经离开,其实他们应该为此早就做好准备方案。

3.They had to take on more salary (and a bigger luxury tax burden) to do it, so credit Cavs owner Dan Gilbert for busting out his checkbook.他们需要付出更多的薪金(和更大的奢侈税),所以骑士老板吉尔伯特需要看看自己的钱包了。

4.Let's start with this: In his Cavs debut, Antawn Jamison appeared as if he'd never played an NBA game before.让我们先从这开始:在他的骑士处子秀中,AntawnJaminson的表现让他看来像从来就没有在NBA打过球一样。

5.The Cavs showed their mettle by finishing off the Wizards with a pair of one-point overtime wins.骑士显示自己的才干,由整理过奇才队与对一分加班费赢了。

6.James insisted the Cavs needed to go bigger and broke from the huddle shaking his head in disagreement.詹姆斯不住地摇头表示反对,他坚持认为骑士应该换上大个球员,打破场上的混乱局面。

7.The Cavs had five players in double figures. Wilpams had 12 points in his comeback start, but no one played up to their normal level.骑士有五名球员得分上双,Wilpams在这场首发复出中得到12分,但是没有人发挥了他们的正常水平。

8.Cleveland was fighting for the last playoff spot in the East, and player and coach differed on how the Cavs would get there.克里夫兰是争取最后一个季后赛席位都在东部地区,与球员和教练不同,就如何骑士会得到。

9.As in previous meetings with the Bobcats, the Cavs were unable to control penetration or Charlotte's excellent wing players.在以往面对山猫队时,骑士就不能很好的控制对方的突破和他们优秀的两翼球员。

10."I'm playing, " he said Wednesday night after the Cavs beat Detroit without him.周三晚上骑士战胜活塞后,奥尼尔说“我可以打比赛了”。