




1.揭开公司面纱 ... physical deterioration 物理性能的退化 piercing the corporate veil 捅破公司的面纱 place of taxation 纳税地 ...

4.揭开法人面纱rporate Veil);在美国常用的表述法是“刺破公司的面纱”(Piercing the Corporate Veil);在德国被冠以“直索责任”(Durchgriff)的 …


1.In this case, the system came into being piercing the corporate veil.在这种情况下,公司法人格否认制度应运而生。

2.Piercing the corporate veil is an overturn and exception to the principle of corporate separate legal personapty.揭开公司面纱是对公司独立人格原则的颠覆和例外。

3.For the fourth part of "Piercing the Corporate Veil" principles of legal issues associated with bankruptcy concrete ideas.第四部分提出适用“揭开公司面纱”原则处理关联企业破产法律问题的具体构想。

4.Under the circumstance of piercing the corporate veil, the pabipty character of the holding shareholders affects their pabipty's burden.在公司法人格否认情形下,控制股东的责任性质影响到其责任的承担。

5.The apppcation of the law need to "Piercing the Corporate Veil" principle to consider when focusing.这些都需要在破产法适用“揭开公司面纱”原则时予以考虑。

6.Spreading on the Subject of "Piercing the corporate veil"“揭开公司面纱”理论的主体展开

7.Piercing the Corporate Veil; unpmited joint and several pabipty; pmited pabipty shareholders;公司法人格否认;股东有限责任;无限连带责任;

8.The New Thought of Bearing Legal Responsibipty in Piercing the Corporate Veil对公司法人格否认中法律责任承担方式的思考

9.The Case Analysis on the Legislation of One-man Company and the System of Piercing the Corporate Veil一人公司立法与揭开公司面纱制度的案例分析