




1.阿玛尔-斯塔德麦尔 ... 13 Steve-Nash 史蒂夫-纳什 32 Amare-Stoudemire 阿玛尔-斯塔德麦尔 40 Kurt-Thomas 科特- …

2.小斯 诺维斯基: Dirk-Nowitzki 小斯: Amare-Stoudemire 加内特: Kevin-Garnett ...


1.Amare Stoudemire: If he can be talked into playing for this team his nastiness and toughness would be a valued asset.斯塔达迈尔:如果他被谈及入选下届美国国家队的话,他的威胁以及强度将会是一个闪光点。

2.Gasol and Bynum have obpterated front courts that have consisted of Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire, Carlos Boozer, and Kevin Garnett.加索尔和拜纳姆都已经在有德怀特霍华德,斯塔德迈尔,卡洛斯布泽尔和加内特组成的前场上占尽风头了。

3.Then All-Star forwards Amare Stoudemire and David Lee were forced to withdraw on the opening day of training camp.在训练营的开营日上,前任全明星大前锋斯塔德迈尔(AmareStoudemire)和大卫李(DavidLe)都被迫退出了世锦赛。

4.Amare Stoudemire, in what may have been his last game with the Suns, scored 27 points but struggled to a 7-of-20 shooting night.阿玛-斯塔德迈尔,在这场也许是他为太阳打的最后一场比赛中拿到27分,但是这个晚上却陷入20投仅7中的挣扎之中。

5.Other than Amare Stoudemire and Yao Ming, no big man shoots pke Pau from the field and the charity stripe.除了姚明和斯塔德迈尔之外没有任何大个子可以像加索尔那样打球了。

6.Shaquille O'Neal, Yao Ming and Amare Stoudemire, among others, have used it since.从那以后,奥尼尔、姚明、斯塔德迈尔,还有其他一些球员也用过这种方法。

7.The second team had two players from the Phoenix Suns: guard Steve Nash and center Amare Stoudemire.入选年度第二阵容的球员有两名是太阳队的:后卫史蒂夫-纳什和中锋阿玛雷-斯塔德迈尔。

8.The Harvard boy led a New York comeback with a 10-0 run. He set up Amare Stoudemire for a slam which cut the lead to 4.这位哈佛男孩带领纽约队打出一波10比0的反击。他为阿马雷•斯塔德迈尔创造了一个灌篮的机会,将比分缩小至4分。

9.Phoenix was again without Amare Stoudemire, who is recovering from offseason arthroscopic surgery on his right knee.斯塔德麦尔依然没有上场,因为他在季后赛后做了右膝手术,现在还在恢复阶段。

10.Amare Stoudemire: Well, ever since I got back from my injury last year I was averaging 23.自从去年我伤愈后,我平均得分是23,我想今年会更好。