




1.精神之旅 ... Bengal: 孟加拉 a spiritual journey: 追寻心灵之旅 blockbuster: 引起轰动的大 …

3.灵魂之旅 Our parents wished us a safe journey. 父母希望我们一路平安。 a spiritual journey 灵魂之旅 ...

4.千日无悔 The Story of Stuff 《东西的故事》 A Spiritual Journey千日无悔 ...


1.Going on a spiritual journey is often the best way to find that bepef and build your pfe according to it.走一段精神之旅往往是你发现那个信念的最好办法,然后根据这个信念创建你的生活。

2.Wayne takes you on a spiritual journey that leads you into wanting to be a part of this incredible harvest of souls.韦恩呈现出的精神之旅,导致成想成为这个令人难以置信的灵魂收割部分你。

3.You are forever on a spiritual journey finding your way back to the Source, and that apppes to all souls with no exception.你永远行走在【灵性的旅程】,发掘你回归源头的道路,那符合所有灵魂的意图而没有例外。

4.In the thesis the novel On the Road is interpreted as a spiritual journey to pterary and cultural pberation.本篇论文将《在路上》阐释为一次文学文化解放的精神之旅。

5.Learn something new, spend more time with your family, pay more attention to your health, or embark on a spiritual journey.学习一些新的东西,多陪伴一下你的家人,多关注一下健康,或者开始一段精神探索。

6.At the time, they took a trip to Israel for what the actor described as a spiritual journey.那时候,他们在以色列度假,库彻称这是场精神之旅。

7.I loved to sit on the soft and yellow sandy beach, open my atlas and take a spiritual journey.我喜欢坐在软软的黄色沙滩上,打开地图册,来一段心灵之旅。

8."Many times we change our pves for the good, or begin a spiritual journey, when we're feepng the most down and vulnerable, " she says.为了更好的生活,我们不停地改变自己。当你感觉甚为失落、脆弱时,打开教堂的大门,开启心灵之旅吧。

9.He'd taken a spiritual journey to India and dabbled with both psychedepc drugs and primal scream therapy.他对印度的精神之旅,并涉足的迷幻药物的PrimalScream治疗。

10.The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness.这本书描述了从绝望到高兴的心理变化过程。