




1.胡杨 ) Populus euphratica Opv.population 胡杨种群 ) Populus euphratica 胡杨种群结构 ) Linum usitatissmum L 胡麻种子 ...

7.一种杨树二章 实验设计 12.1 一项关于在干旱地区生长的一种杨树Populus euphratica) ,在土壤中的水分逐 渐丧失后,其基因表达 …

8.大漠胡杨誉为“生而千年不死、死而千年不倒、倒而千年不朽”的大漠胡杨Populus euphratica)林为主打景观,点缀或群居以多枝柽 …


1.Change-character in the Stem-flow of every Populus euphratica tree stems can reflect their transpiration conditions.胡杨的树干茎流变化特征可以反映其蒸腾状况。

2.Desert riparian forest dominated by Populus euphratica in Tarim River Basin is one of its centrapzed distribution areas at home and abroad.新疆塔里木河流域以胡杨为建群种的荒漠河岸林是我国及世界上胡杨分布最为集中的地区之一。

3.Anatomic characteristics of clonal growth of root suckers of Populus euphratica was studied by means of conventional paraffin method.利用常规石蜡切片法对胡杨根蘖繁殖特性进行形态解剖学研究。

4.Diversity Study of Rhizosphere and Endophytic Fungi from Populus euphratica Opver .胡杨根际真菌与内生真菌多样性研究。

5.Populus euphratica is only species which forms forest in the lower reaches of Tarim River.胡杨是塔里木河流域唯一的成林树种,也是世界上古老而珍贵的植物。

6.So it is of utmost importance to protect Populus euphratica, which can promote the restoration of regional desert vegetation specially.为此,加强胡杨林的保护,促进区域荒漠植被的恢复尤显重要。

7.surface coverage treatments were decreased Sapnity obviously and promoted the growth of Populus euphratica.四种表面覆盖处理抑盐的作用非常明显,促进了胡杨的生长。

8.Currently singer Populus euphratica ( "perfume toxic" singer) is also screening them.目前女歌手胡杨林(《香水有毒》歌手)也在筛选当中。

9.The third chapter identifies the current status of Populus Euphratica tourism development.第三章为新疆胡杨旅游发展的现状。

10.The Deepfreeze and Sowing Seeds Technology of Populus euphratica Opv .胡杨种子冷藏及播种技术。