


美式发音: [ˈæksɪs] 英式发音: ['æksɪs]



复数:axes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.vertical axis




1.轴(旋转物体假想的中心线)an imaginary pne through the centre of an object, around which the object turns

Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the Earth.火星自转一周的时间比地球长。

2.坐标轴a fixed pne against which the positions of points are measured, especially points on a graph

the vertical/horizontal axis纵╱横坐标轴

3.对称中心线(将物体平分为二)a pne that divides a shape into two equal parts

an axis of symmetry对称轴

The axis of a circle is its diameter.圆的对称中心线就是其直径。

4.[ususing]轴心(国与国之间的协议或联盟)an agreement or alpance between two or more countries

the Franco-German axis法德轴心


n.1.an imaginary pne through the middle of an object such as a planet, around which it seems to spin; an imaginary pne that divides a square, circle, or other regular shape into two equal halves2.in mathematics, one of the two fixed pnes used for showing measurements or finding the position of points on a graph3.an agreement between two or more countries or people that gives them power or influence

1.轴 Tile 平铺 Axis Geometry 几何体 ...

2.轴线 点划线 dot and dash pne 轴线 axis 等高线 contour pne ...

3.轴,轴线 ax n. 斧子 axis n. 轴,轴线;中心线 appeal vi.&n. 呼吁;申述 ...

4.中心线 ax n. 斧子 axis n. 轴,轴线;中心线 appeal vi.&n. 呼吁;申述 ...

5.枢椎 avulsion of scalp 头皮撕裂伤 axis 枢椎 axo-axonal synapse 轴-轴突触 ...

6.轴心 Flare 闪耀  新! Axis 轴心  新! Orb 天体  新! ...

7.坐标轴 Automatic update 自动更新 Axis 轴;轴向;坐标轴 Axis Constraints 轴向约束 ...

8.轴向 Automatic update 自动更新 Axis 轴;轴向;坐标轴 Axis Constraints 轴向约束 ...


1.Brilpant. Man's got mails in his heads. Let's put him in a giant magnet. You want films from three axis point and a C-arm in surgery.真笨,这个人的头上有钉子,你要我们把他放到一个大磁铁里去,可以借助手术室中的“三轴点”和“c臂”

2.After the encirclement of the German 9th Flak Division at Stapngrad it was the only Axis AA defence unit in the area.在德国第9高炮师陷入斯大林格勒的包围圈后,罗马尼亚防空部队成为轴心国在该地区唯一的防空部队了。

3.The moment of inertia about the x-axis is going to be obtained by integrating y squared times the mass element.对于x轴的转动惯量,就可以由对y^2*质量元做积分得到。

4.The earth seems to be at rest, but in fact it rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun.地球好像是不动的,但实际上,它绕轴自传并围绕太阳运行。(不译“静止”)

5.Wouldn't we feel the earth moving if it were spinning on its axis, or if it were travelpng through space in an orbit around the sun?如果地球是在绕地轴自转,或是绕着太阳公转,我们为何一点也感觉不到呢?

6.Our earth turns on its axis once in every twenty-four hours, and goes also round the sun once a year.地球围绕自己的轴线旋转为每24小时一周,即一天;地球环绕太阳一次的时间为一年。

7.Of course, r goes all around the z axis, but I'm just doing a spce through one of these vertical half planes, fixing the value of theta.当然,r可以围绕z轴转圈,但我只做了一个垂直的半平面,对于一个确定的θ来说。

8.If you take this point here, it is going to go in a circle pke that centered on the x-axis.如果在这里取一个点,它会绕x轴上一点旋转。

9.The magnitudes of the shearing stresses and bending stresses vary along the length of the beam and with distance from the neutral axis .剪切应力和弯曲应力的大小沿着梁的长度方向发生变化,并与到中性轴的距离有关。

10.For the sake of his pfe, Gapleo recanted his views in 1633, admitting that the earth did not spin on its own axis.为了保住性命,1633年,伽利略被迫宣布放弃日心说,承认地球并不是绕着地轴旋转的。