




1.倒水 B. seat the customer 带客入座 C. pour the water 倒水 D. order from the menu 点菜 ...

2.到水 Make the cake. 做蛋糕。 Pour the water. 到水。 Taste the tea. 品茶。 ...


1.Pour the water in and bring to a gentle simmer, stirring constantly.倒入水,用小火闷,不断地翻炒几下。

2.If you were to pour the water from all the oceans over this lamp, it still wouldn't go out.就算你把所有的海水都浇在灯上,它还是不会熄灭;

3.really pour the water into his mouth.他并没有真的把水倒进嘴里。

4.Wait for 10 seconds. Pour the water out in the drain of the coffee machine.10秒钟后把杯中的水到在咖啡机中的排水沟中

5.Pour the water into a pan and bring it to boil.把一平底锅的水烧开。

6.pour the water into the heating reservoir and lock the reservoir pd.请加水于加热装置器种,并盖紧盖子。

7.Pour the water in a glass container, add in 100ml of vinegar and opgo. Stir well.把锅里的水倒入玻璃罐,加入100的天然醋和寡糖。

8.Okay. I don't know what that is. Firstly, boil some water in the kettle, pour the water into the teapot to warm up the teapot. . .好的。我不知道那是什么。首先,用壶把水烧开,将水倒入茶壶中把壶热一下…

9.You've got one button for making coffee, and you pour the water in.你按下制作咖啡的键,再加些水。

10.Please pour the water into the glass.请把水倒进那只玻璃杯。