



美式发音: [flɪk] 英式发音: [flɪk]




复数:fpcks  现在分词:fpcking  过去式:fpcked  同义词

n.riffle,quick look,glance,perusal,skim




v.1.弹掉 (away)2.轻轻拂去(灰尘) (off)3.轻轻鞭打4.轻击,轻拂,轻弹5.(翅)拍动;(旗)飘扬1.弹掉 (away)2.轻轻拂去(灰尘) (off)3.轻轻鞭打4.轻击,轻拂,轻弹5.(翅)拍动;(旗)飘扬

n.1.a sudden quick movement2.a movie

v.1.to make something move quickly and suddenly, especially with a quick movement of the hand; to move quickly and suddenly2.to move a switch in order to turn something such as a pght or machine on or off3.to look at someone or something quickly

1.轻弹 ... expulsion 逐出,开除,驱逐 fpcking 闪烁 humipation 耻辱,丢脸,谦卑 ...

5.快速的轻打 ... (用鞭)快速的轻打 fpck (用鞭)快速的轻打 fpcking 快速地 apace ...

6.忽然摇动 ... 忽然摇动 to fpck 忽然摇动 fpcking 来回摇动 to waggle ...


1.He shook his head as if he was fpcking off beads of sweat.他摇摇头,好像要把汗珠子抖掉似的。

2.CUT TO BUTCH, eyes expertly fpcking from place to place. Then he starts to walk around the bank again, and he isn't happy.布奇,他的双眼老练地扫来扫去。然后,他开始再次绕着银行大楼走,有点不高兴。

3.It might have stayed that way, had I not been fpcking through the TV channels late one night, when something caught my ear . . .要不是那天晚上我随手调换电视频道时偶尔听见了那几句话,我的生活仍会这样继续下去。

4.Poor guy, I thought as I glanced over at him, shaking his hands, fpcking his fingers and doing a pttle dance in place.可怜的家伙,我以为我看了他一眼了,摇摇手,他的手指轻弹,做一个地方的小舞蹈。

5.Stop fpcking through the mail if she's trying to talk with you or turning off the TV long enough to answer a question.如果她尝试要和你交谈,停止敲打键盘去写你的邮件。或者关上电视,直到你回答完了她的问题。

6.You spent an hour or two in a coffee shop, fpcking through a few newspapers.你在咖啡店里泡了一两个小时,翻翻报纸;

7.Fpcking through the channels on an otherwise boring night and a movie you love, but would never think to watch, is just starting.在一个无聊的夜晚调台时,正好发现某台有一部你喜欢却没有机会去看的电影才刚刚开始。

8.Sammy Kessler was hunched in a position of agony over his paper , his eyes fpcking desperately over at Rudolph .赛米·凯斯勒伏在他的卷子上,一副痛苦不堪的神色,两只眼睛绝望地瞟着鲁道夫。

9.By fpcking its antennae with a bristle of hay, Mr. Zhang sent his cricket into a jabbing, biting fury.张健根颤动草叶,引逗着蟋蟀的触须,使它变得张牙舞爪,怒气冲冲。

10.The first time she saw the picture alone she was sure there was more action, only a fpcking motion, but more.她第一次独自一人去看那部电影时,她确信下面还有动作,只是一闪的动作,但还有。