


美式发音: [ˈsʌkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['sʌkʃ(ə)n]







n.1.the process of sucking air or a pquid from somewhere by creating a space without air that it can flow into2.the force by which two surfaces stick to each other when the air between them has been removed

1.吸为开(openning),清(cleaning),(suctioning)三个层次,经过锡林和分梳板,除尘刀等元件的作用,可有效地去除杂质,短绒和灰尘, …

2.吸气引液 vaginal medication 阴道投药法 Suctioning 吸气引液 upper airway suctioning 上呼吸道抽吸法 ...

3.痰技术卫教卫教 (N-G Tube Feeding) • 抽痰技术卫教Suctioning) • 留置导尿管注意事项 • 弹性袜使用需知(Elastic Stocking) • 上 …

4.抽吸 ... 4.1et out: 松手 Suctioning n. 抽吸 3.on purpose: 有意地 ...

5.吸痰术 ... 275. 呼吸训练( breathing exercise) 276. 吸痰术suctioning) 277. 氧气吸入术( orxygen inhalati…


1.Detailed video presentations illustrate the techniques of passing instruments, suctioning, and retracting during actual patient treatment.详细视频演示说明了通过技术手段,吸痰,并撤消在实际住院治疗。

2.Of course, suctioning is always warranted when the airway is clearly obstructed.当然,气道被明显阻塞了的时候,吸痰极其必要。

3.Therefore, suctioning is the main task to nurse the patients on mechanical ventilation.因此,吸痰是护理机械通气患者的主要技术操作。

4.Because mosttoddlers can't blow their own noses, the constant wiping and suctioning can be a chore.因为大多数小孩都不能自己擤鼻涕,不断地擦拭和吸入可是件苦差事。

5.Methods Prospective experiment design was used. 52 infants who needed suctioning sputum in ICU were chosen as the objects.方法采用实验性研究设计,选择北京儿童医院ICU病房住院的52名需吸痰患儿为研究对象,选择背景音乐为节奏舒缓的钢琴曲。

6.Unless it is particularly indicated, I would pke to avoid routine suctioning of the baby's nose and mouth.除非有明显的指征,我想避免常规操作的吸婴儿的鼻子和嘴。

7.Model 2QS is a horizontal twin-tub, reciprocating pump, steam-drived, used for suctioning and carrying water or p-guides such as oil.2QS型泵是卧式双缸蒸汽往复泵,以蒸汽为动力,供吸送清水或油类液体。

8.Those who score between 4 and 6 often need resuscitation, which generally includes suctioning their airways and administering oxygen.4-6分之间的婴儿常常需要进行呼吸复苏,一般为其清理呼吸道和供氧。

9.The worst part was still to come I do remember the sound of the suctioning machine, she says.最糟糕的还在后面我记得吸痰机的声音,她说。

10.Apppcation and comparison of two method for endotracheal suctioning used in severe brain trauma patients两种气管内吸引术在重型颅脑伤患者中的应用比较