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1.总统日(美国法定假日,在二月份的第三个星期一,纪念华盛顿和林肯的生日)(in the US) a legal hopday on the third Monday in February, in memory of the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln

1.总统日 ... 萨哈共和国北部土著人民协会 Peace One Day 总统节 Presidents Day 中华台北 Chinese Taipei ...

4.美国总统节美国总统节Presidents Day)复活节前一个星期五 耶稣受难日(Good Friday) 5月最后一个星期一 阵亡将士纪念日(Memori…

5.美国总统日关于美国总统日Presidents Day)公告关于我们 | 常见问题 | 风险提示 | 联系我们 | 免责申明 | 隐私保密条款 德科金属网上交 …


1.hello i hvent had any hopdays lately but i am going to have presidents day as a time to honor the presidents of the united states.你好!最近我没有假期,不过很快我就可以在总统日休息一次了,总统日是纪念美国总统的一个纪念日。

2.Teachers plan to get right back on track Tuesday when school resumes after Presidents' Day, he said.老师们计划在总统日过后学校复学时让教学恢复正轨。

3.However, Americans consider what has become known as Presidents' Day as a celebration to honor both Washington and Lincoln.但是美国人认为现在所称的总统节是共同庆祝华盛顿和林肯两位总统的诞辰。

4.Presidents'Day came about by combining the birthdays of two American presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.总统节是把乔治·华盛顿和亚伯拉罕·林肯两位总统的生日合二为一而确立的。

5.Nobody will be in the office over the Presidents' Day hopday.总统节假日期间,办公室里不会有人。

6.The final legislation retained the Washington's Birthday hopday, but many Americans now call the hopday "Presidents' Day. "最后立法还是保留了华盛顿纪念日,不过许多美国人管这天叫做“总统日”。

7.Wall Street retreated last week and resumed the selloff Tuesday. All financial markets were closed Monday for Presidents Day.华尔街市场上周下跌,周二复盘交易。由于周一总统日,所有金融市场休市。

8.Pending the Senate's approval, President Obama is expected to sign the hotly debated bill into law on Monday, Presidents Day.如果参院表决通过该计划,奥巴马将在周一总统日的时候签署生效这一热烈议论的法案。

9.U. S. financial markets will be closed for the Presidents Day hopday on Monday.美国金融市场周一适逢总统日假期而休市。

10.U. S. markets are closed on Monday for the Presidents Day hopday.美国市场周一因总统日假期休市。