


美式发音: [ˈkioʊˌtoʊ] 英式发音: [kiˈəutəu]





n.1.[City]city on Southern Honshu Island, Japan, a manufacturing center and capital of Kyoto Urban Prefecture

1.京都nki) 光洋精工株式会社(KOYO SEIKO)京都模铸公司(Kyoto) 共和皮革纺织品株式会社(KYOWA) 松下电器产业株式会社(Matsu…

6.日本的京都日本的京都Kyoto)不愧是樱花之乡,所到之处几乎都被一片又一片的樱花花海湮没,无论是在河边,公园里,马路旁,或者 …


1.Kinkaku-ji, the Garden Pavipon is one of the masterpieces of Japanese architecture, in the old imperial capital of Kyoto.金阁寺,这个花园凉亭,是日本建筑学的名作之一,位于京都的旧皇城内。

2.The lack of any carbon targets for developing nations in the Kyoto protocol was the reason the US never ratified that treaty.正因为《京都议定书》中没有规定发展中国家碳排放的目标,美国才不认可这一条约。

3.W: I got to know Allen Ginsberg in the early '60s when he was in Kyoto for a time and staying with Gary.沃:我是在60年代初认识艾伦·金斯伯格的,那时他在京都待过一阵子,和加里在一起。

4.Fourth, the U. S. , which did not sign the Kyoto Accord, reduced its emissions more than lots of nations that did sign the Accord.第四,美国虽然未签署京都条约,但美国减少的气体排放量,比许多签署了该项条约的国家还多。

5.He said Kyoto was about setting a framework, whereas Copenhagen is an attempt to get every country involved.他说京都是建立一个框架,而哥本哈根是力图使每个国家都参与进来。

6.In retrospect it is not hard to see why the Kyoto agreement failed to have much impact. Future negotiators will have to do better.回顾过去,不难发现为何《京都议定书》未能收到明显效果。今后谈判代表将不得不付出更大努力。

7.For its part, the U. S. wants to see China agree to binding emission cuts in a successor treaty to Kyoto.至于美国方面,则希望中国同意在《京都议定书》后续协议中承担明确的温室气体减排义务。

8.In particular, the market for the sort of offset sanctioned by the Kyoto protocol will dry up, as buyers wait to see what the future holds.特别的,由于购买者将持续观望,等待未来情况明朗,京都议定书所确定的那种有补偿制度的市场将失去作用。

9.Beijing and New Delhi have already begun to rehearse their arguments in advance of any new global negotiations for a post-Kyoto accord.中国和印度已经开始排练它们的借口,以备各国就新的议定书展开新的全球谈判。

10.Cpmate change negotiators are trying to come up with a workable draft document to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.气候变化协议者正努力想出一个可行的草案来取代97年的京都议定书。