




1.奇洛教授 吉德罗·洛哈特 Gilderoy Lockhart 奇洛教授 Professor Quirrell 特里劳妮教授 Professor Trelawney ...

2.奎若教授 ... 吉德罗‧洛哈 Gilderoy Lockhart 奎若教授 Professor Quirrell 崔老妮教授 Professor Trelawney ...

3.奎诺教授 ... 鲁伯·海格 Rubeus Hagrid 奎里纳斯·奇洛 Professor Quirrell 卢修斯·马尔福 Lucius Malfoy ...


1."Professor Quirrell! " said Hagrid. "Harry, Professor Quirrell will be one of your teachers at Hogwarts. "“这是屈拉教授,哈利,”海格说,“屈拉教授将是你在霍格沃茨学习时的老师。”

2.she didn't even stop to say sorry as she knocked Professor Quirrell headfirst into the row in front.她撞得奇洛教授一头摔向前排的座位,都没有停下来说一声对不起。

3.Professor Quirrell: Fearfully fascinating subject. Not that you need it, eh, Potter?奎诺教授:这门课迷人的很。但你已经不用学了,对吧?

4.Harry spotted Professor Quirrell, too, the nervous young man from the Leaky Cauldron.哈利还发现屈拉教授,他就是那个从漏锅酒吧来的年青人。

5."P-P-Potter, " stammered Professor Quirrell, grasping Harry's hand, "c-can't t-tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you. "“波——波——波特,”屈拉教授有点口吃,他抓住哈利的手,“无——无法告——告诉你见到你我是多——多么地高——高兴。”

6.Next to him, who would suspect pp-poor, st-stuttering P-Professor Quirrell?和他一比,谁会怀疑可-可-可怜的,结-结巴的奇洛教-教授呢?

7.Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell? he asked Percy.和屈拉教授说话的那个老师是谁呀?他问伯希。

8.Harry was just helping himself to a baked potato when Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall,哈利正在吃一个带皮的土豆,奇洛教授突然一头冲进了餐厅,

9.Seemingly frail and stuttering Professor Quirrell is actually incarnation of enemy;看似赢弱、结结巴巴的奇洛教授实际上是敌人的化身;

10.He was wearing Professor Quirrell's turban, which kept talking to him,他正戴着屈拉教授的无边帽。那顶帽子一直不停地跟他讲话,