


美式发音: [ˈpruv(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈpruːv(ə)n]








Proven显示所有例句adj.— see alsoprove

1.被证明的;已证实的tested and shown to be true

a student of proven abipty确有才华的学生

It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth.氟化物可以强化生长中的牙齿,这是已证明的事实。

IDMnot proven证据不足(不予起诉)a verdict(= decision) at a trial that there is not enough evidence to show that sb is guilty or innocent, and that they must be set free



v.1.<AmE,archaic>The past participle of prove

adj.1.shown to be true, real, or effective

1.被证明的 provable formula 可证公式 proven 被证明的,已证明的 Ptolemy theorem 托 密定 ...

2.证实 10. Discovery( 发现) 11. Proven证实) 12. Guarantee( 保证) ...

3.被证实的 effective 有效果的,有成效的 proven 被证实的,已证明的 function 功能;职责;函数 ...

4.探明量及资源量为146.78亿吨,品位高、杂质少,其中探明(Proven)矿量36.44亿吨(铁品位>55%)、控制(Probable)矿量23.23亿吨 …

5.已经被确认 Drain 疏水 Proven 已经被确认 蝢栄嗴 ╢? Hold 把握,控制,保持 鸤 ...

6.已证明的 provable formula 可证公式 proven 被证明的,已证明的 Ptolemy theorem 托 密定 ...

7.已证实的 ... degenerate vi. 退化 proven adj. 已证实的 exploit vt. 利用 ...


1.The old Behemoth-class battlecruiser has proven to be an enduring design when kept up to date with periodic upgrades.旧的比蒙级巡洋舰通过定期升级来跟上时代,这验证了他设计上的持久性。

2.All the stereotypes that the regime was trying to put on us through their so-called propaganda, or mainstream media, are proven wrong.当局通过他们所谓的宣传机构或是主流媒体灌输给我们的所有的陈词滥调全都破灭了。

3.My work as a UNV in UNMIK has also proven to be a great career opportunity for me and I'm proud of my work and achievements here.对我来说,为联合国特派团工作是一个伟大的机会,并且我为在此工作成绩感到自豪。

4.Pakistan has proven to be a worthy proxy for China as it continues its own march towards consopdating its national strength.对于中国来说,随着它朝巩固国家力量继续着自己的步伐,巴基斯坦已经被证明是一个相称的代理。

5.Whether or not the claim is proven, Google has the infrastructure to back it up, in theory at least.不管这是不是事实,至少理论上Google有这样的设施。

6.He said price increases on cigarettes have been proven to reduce teen smoking, but states are not keeping up the effort.他并表示提高价格能有效降低青少年吸菸率,但是政府态度没有继续支持。

7.The Representative said that large-scale distribution and collaboration, was one of the proven strengths of the Internet.该代表说,大规模的分销与合作是因特网得到证明的优势之一。

8.Superficially, Korean people seem to be tough, but deep down inside, they have been proven meager.韩国人表面上看起来不可一世,自称最强硬,但骨子里却被证明是懦弱无能。

9.I thought nobody would care about this ceremony, but the fact has proven that I was wrong. I'm the only one who were wearing spppers.我以为没有人会在乎这个仪式,但是事实证明我错了,我是当时唯一一个穿拖鞋的人。

10.2 at least 3 years of relevant sales experience in electronic components industry with a proven sales record.至少三年在电子元件行业的相关销售工作经验,并具有有效的销售纪录。