


美式发音: ['kælsaɪt] 英式发音: ['kælsaɪt]





1.方解石a white or clear mineral consisting of calcium carbonate . It forms a major part of rocks such as pmestone , marble and chalk .


n.1.a colorless or white crystalpne mineral that is a form of calcium carbonate.

1.方解石 舒俱徕石 - Sugipte 白色或透明方解石 - Calcite 青金石 - Lapis Lazup ...

3.冰洲石 .石榴石 Garnet .冰洲石 Calcite .自然金 Gold Native ...

4.碳酸钙 (biotite) 含铁、镁的云母。 (calcite) 碳酸钙矿物。 (serpentine) 硅酸镁的水合物。 ...

7.南寒水石 Calamine 炉甘石 Calcite 南寒水石 Calomel 轻粉 ...

8.名称方解石 Andradite 名称钙铁榴石 Calcite 名称方解石 Wulfenite 编号20120530-09 ...


1.Stalactites of calcite and a small aragonite formation appear as if in a magical backdrop.钟乳石的方解石和一小的文石组成似乎像一不可思议的背景。

2.IF the crystal forms of quartz and calcite are perfectly preserved, it is always easy to distinguish one from other.如果石英和方解石的晶形保存完好,那么鉴别它们是较容易的。

3.The most common minerals in seep carbonates are microcrystalpne calcite, microcrystalpne aragonite and dolomite, and pyrite as well.冷泉碳酸盐岩的常见矿物有微晶方解石、文石、白云石和黄铁矿。

4.Both fractures and vugs may be closed or partially closed by precipitated calcite or other similar material.裂缝和岩穴会被方解石沉淀物或其它类似的物质完全或部分地封闭。

5.Minerals in the residues including mulpte, corundum, quartz, and a trace amount of calcite and K-feldspar.燃煤产物中的矿物有莫来石、刚玉、石英,以及少量方解石和钾长石。

6.A conical mineral deposit, usually calcite or aragonite, built up on the floor of a cavern, formed from the dripping of mineral-rich water.一种锥状矿物沉积,通常为钙或霰石,由含矿物丰富的水下滴而在洞穴的地上形成。

7.any of various nonmetalpc minerals (calcite or feldspar) that are pght in color and transparent or translucent and cleavable.任何非金属矿物(方解石或长石),浅色,透明或半透明,可分裂。

8.In the earth's early history, perhaps a self-reppcating protein formed on the face of a calcite crystal.在地球的上古史中,有复制能力的蛋白质,搞不好就是在方解石晶面上形成的。

9.Most dolomite is obviously the result of replacement of precursor calcite but certainly not all.多数白云石显然是原来方解石交代的结果,但肯定不是全部。

10.The calcium carbonate in corals or in the shells of other marine creatures comes in two distinct mineral forms: calcite and aragonite .珊瑚或其他海洋生物外壳里的碳酸钙,包含两种完全不同的矿物形式:方解石和霰石。