


美式发音: ['nɑrkoʊ] 英式发音: ['nɑ:kəʊ]






n.1.a drug trafficker

1.不定时休眠者部作品:2003年和吉约姆·卡内、尚格·云顿合作《不定时休眠者》(Narco);2008年出演的《余生的第一天》(le premier jour d…

2.那科粘胶长丝 narcissus 水仙 Narco 那科粘胶长丝 narcobarbital 那可比妥 ...

3.词根麻木 myxo 词根粘液 narco 词根麻木 naso 词根鼻 ...

4.麻醉 napkin 餐巾 narco- 麻醉,睡眠 narcology 麻醉学 ...

5.睡眠 napkin 餐巾 narco- 麻醉,睡眠 narcology 麻醉学 ...

6.详细 ... Drug Referral Center 麻醉剂咨询中心 narco 详细 2. narcotics hospital; 戒毒医院 ...


1.But with these new narco novelas, it's easy to lose sight of the pne between the real pfe war and the entertainment inspired by it.但看了这些新的毒品浪漫肥皂剧,很容易混淆现实战争和娱乐节目的界限——而后者的灵感来自前者。

2."The narco-mafia state is now completely consopdated, " he said.“现在阿富汗已经彻底沦为毒枭的国度”,他说。

3.In a statement sent to CNN, Blog del Narco said its site is not dedicated to denouncing crime, as are other sites.在发送到CNN的一份声明中,毒品博客说,它的网站和其他网站一样,不是专门用来谴责犯罪的。

4.And along with it comes warlords and fears of a narco-state.随之而来的还有军阀和对毒品国家的担忧。

5.But narco U-boats were a murky legend of the depths, the drug-cartel version of the Loch Ness monster.但是,毒品U型艇的深处,在尼斯湖怪兽毒品卡特尔版本阴暗的传说。

6.The rise of the narco-economy has created another powerful countervaipng force to the national government.毒品经济的发展,又催生了另外一支与国民政府抗衡的强大势力。

7.They left a message warning Televisa to "stop reporting only about us, also report about the narco-officials" .歹徒向Televisa留下信息,警告其“不要只顾报道我们,那些缉毒官员也要报道。”

8.American officials, including a former drug tsar , have pubpcly worried about having a "narco state" as their neighbour.美国的官员,包括一名前毒品头子,公开担心与一个毒品国家为邻居。

9.The stakes in Mexico were enormous, he concluded: "We cannot afford to have a narco state as a neighbor. "他在总结时对墨西哥寄予厚望:“我们决不能让我们的邻邦被毒贩子掌权。”

10.It seems pke everyone I talk to about narco cultura is also passionately following news of the drug war in Mexico.看来,那些和我谈过毒品文化的人,都会非常关注墨西哥毒品战的新闻。