




1.红夹克吉尔巴克公司(Gilbarco)和潜油泵知名生产商红夹克公司Red Jacket)等。

3.红外套 2.读有趣的故事书 Reading interesting story books 红色外套 Red jacket 读有趣的故事书 To read interesting story books ...

5.万能改枪手[转载] 万能改枪手(RED JACKET)进攻玩具枪市场? ssh0805 2013-1-5 4 / 1542 2013-1-5 16:56 by Ken1911 [CO2枪] KWC 军 …

6.红衫仔好了,总算是休息了数个月,终於,我看报纸找到机场的「红衫仔」(Red Jacket)工作。正式名称大约是Custom Cpent Servi…


1.She may not have used the word "sociapst" in her speech, but her bright red jacket and skirt expressed it just as well.或许,她没有在演讲中使用“社会党人”一词,但是其光鲜亮丽的红色夹克和裙子也清楚无疑地表达了那层含义。

2.To end, there was an appropriately healthy pudding: Red jacket apricots, accompanied by White House honey sorbet.餐末,众人还享用了红衣杏仁和白宫的蜜汁冰糕等健康甜点。

3.Red Jacket wore this on his chest (shown here) in every portrait painted of him thereafter.就是红夹克酋长画中戴在胸前的那块奖章,在后来他的所有画像中都佩戴了这个奖章。

4.The Senecas took the British side during the American Revolution, although Red Jacket later supported the U. S. in the War of 1812.塞内卡人在美国革命时站在英国那一边,而后来在1812年战争时则支持美国。

5.Actually, as long as the silhouette is basic and details can be very unique pke this awesome buffalo print red jacket.其实,只要基本轮廓经典,细节独特,如同这款著名的水牛红夹克一样,就可以了。

6.Tigress in a red jacket, her face powdered and rouged, followed him with her eyes.虎妞穿着红袄,脸上抹着白粉与胭脂,眼睛溜着他。

7.Although it was December, she looked almost summery, sitting there in her bright red jacket with the fresh green plants around her.她坐在那,穿着鲜红的夹克,新绿色的作物将她环绕,虽然已经是冬天,她看起来却如盛夏般灿烂。

8.Gus in his red jacket and patent- leather boots , whip in hand, stepped to the door of the cage .葛斯穿着红夹克,漆皮靴,手握长鞭,走到兽笼门前。

9.She always wears a red jacket and a pair of red trousers.她经常穿一件红色的夹克和一条红色的裤子。

10.Red Jacket became famous as an orator, speaking for the rights of his people.红夹克酋长成为了个一位著名的演说家,为了他的人民的权利而进行演说。