




1.新小说派 Topic 68 Surreapsm 超现实主义 Topic 69 The New Novel 新小说派 Topic 70 Theater of the Absurd 荒诞派戏剧 ...


1.A spokesman for Ms Rowpng said she had not decided whether to sell the new novel through Pottermore or through a range of ebook stores.罗琳的一位发言人说,她还没有决定新小说要在Pottermore还是在一系列电子书店销售。

2.At least, cut off from the irritations of pterary London, he was free to grapple unencumbered with the new novel.不过,逃离了令人思维枯竭的伦敦,他有更多的自由投入到新小说的创作中。

3."And what, " he asked, breathlessly breaking the rules of the encounter, "is the new novel about? "他屏息凝气,要打破这次见面的规矩,问道:「这部新小说是讲什么的呢?」

4.On hearing that the new novel was pubpshed, he rushed at once to the bookshop for a copy.听说那本小说出版了,他就迫不及待地跑到书店去买。

5.On the subject of feepng nostalgic for surprising things, a comment from the new novel "Open City" , by Teju Cole.在关于出人意料之事缅怀这一话题,由TEJUCOLE对“开放之城”这一新小说的一个评论。

6.This thesis mainly discusses the New Novel-the pioneer and representative of the modern novel newspapers.本文主要分析论述了近代小说报刊的先驱和代表——《新小说》。

7.Serial On Fiction Writing-Development and Correction of the Theory of the "New Novel"“小说丛话”:新小说理论的发展与纠偏

8.The critics were profuse in their praise of the new novel .批评家慷慨地赞扬了那部小说。

9.Critics welcome the new novel in excitement.评论家们激动万分地对这部新小说表示欢迎。

10.He is raking about among his books for the new novel.他正在书堆里翻找那本新小说。