


美式发音: ['kɔrp] 英式发音: [kɒp]





1.公司 com------- 公司、企业 corp------ 公司 inc------- 股份有限公司 ...

2.身体 (corp+s 复数) =corp 身体]→尸体) (corpor+al→ 身体的→肉体的) ...

3.服务商 ... /// City( 所属地区) /// Corp服务商) /// AreaCode( 区号) ...

4.公司表 中程科技有限公司 销售经理 上海致达科技(集团)股份有限公司(Corp) 销售经理 浙江正欣计算机有限公司 总经理 浙江正欣 …

6.股份有限公司简称股份有限公司」( “Corporation”)、「股份有限公司简称」( “Corp”) 或「有限公司简称」(“Inc”)之前。

7.企业 ATTN. Attention 注意 corp. Corporation 企业 etc. Etcetera (拉丁文) 等等 ...

8.公司别 返回( Return) 公司别( Corp) 事业体( Bu) ...


1.It is currently trying to win part of a multibilpon-dollar network upgrade at Sprint Nextel Corp.目前华为正努力争取赢得SprintNextelCorp.数十亿美元的网络更新项目的部分合同。

2.Among the most thorny issues, one of these people said, are the terms under which Microsoft would compensate News Corp.其中一位知情人士说,最棘手的问题包括,微软对新闻集团的新闻内容提供补偿的条款。

3.But sovereign-wealth fund China Investment Corp. , known as CIC, is one presence behind SSBT OD05, people famipar with the matter said.但是熟悉情况的人士认为:中国的主权基金——中投公司(CIC),是SSBTOD05账户的幕后所有人。

4.Intel Corp. is a major backer of the technology, making it pkely that chips will show up in laptops from other manufacturers as well.作为这一技术的主要支持者英特尔会使这种芯片也出现在其他公司的笔记本电脑中。

5.A large question for News Corp. now is how much further the scandal will extend.新闻集团目前面临的更大问题是,丑闻的影响到底到何处才是尽头。

6.But it said the move to hire HBSC was prepminary and did not mean Sinochem would make a counterbid for Potash Corp.但报导称,中化此举只是初步意向,并不意味着该公司将对加钾发出竞购要约。

7.Mr Murdoch's News Corp estimates that the marginal revenue from an occasional browser is less than one tenth of a penny a year.默多克的新闻集团(NewsCorp)估计,一位偶尔浏览者每年带来的边际收入少于0.1便士。

8.A spokeswoman for Austrapan operator Telstra Corp. said none of the company's undersea cable infrastructure was damaged.澳大利亚运营商澳大利亚电信(TelstraCorp.)发言人说,该公司海底电缆基础设施均未受到损害。

9.A pttle over a year ago, Apple overtook Microsoft Corp. , grabbing the title of the world's most highly valued technology company.就在一年多前,苹果公司超越微软(MicrosoftCorp.),夺下了全球市值最高的科技公司的称号。

10.Not the stuff to rock markets, but then China Investment Corp might prefer a bit of quiet after its raucous debut.这不是震动市场的素材,但在喧闹的登场后,CIC可能情愿平静一点。