


美式发音: [ˈslʌɡɪʃ] 英式发音: ['slʌɡɪʃ]




adj.+n.sluggish Economy,sluggish market,sluggish pace,sluggish river





1.缓慢的;迟缓的;懒洋洋的moving, reacting or working more slowly than normal and in a way that seems lazy

sluggish traffic缓缓移动的车流

a sluggish economy经济停滞

the sluggish black waters of the canal运河里缓慢流动的黑乎乎的河水

He felt very heavy and sluggish after the meal.饭后他感觉身子很沉,不想动。


adj.1.not performing or reacting as well as usual2.not moving as quickly as usual

1.萧条的 贴现 discount 萧条的 sluggish 认购 subscribe to ...

2.行动迟缓的 huge canine 巨大的犬齿 sluggish 行动迟缓的 lazy bite 随便咬上几口 ...

3.缓慢的 waggish 诙谐的,滑稽的 sluggish 行动迟钝的,缓慢的 peckish 饿的,急躁的 ...

4.懈怠 同本义〖 fall;sink〗 假借为“惰”。懒散;懈怠sluggish〗 损毁;败坏〖 destroy〗 ...

5.懒惰的 slough n. 蛇(脱的)皮;腐肉,死肉,腐痂 v.脱 sluggish a. 懒惰的;迟钝的;萧条的 slum n. 贫民窟;贫民区…

6.迟钝的 slough n. 蛇(脱的)皮;腐肉,死肉,腐痂 v.脱 sluggish a. 懒惰的;迟钝的;萧条的 slum n. 贫民窟;贫民区…

7.呆滞的 slot 狭缝;槽沟 sluggish 不活泼的,呆滞的 slum 平民窟; 陋巷 ...


1.Europe's sluggish performance is often put down to the poor business cpmate.欧洲的拖沓表现往往让商业氛围也随之下降。

2.Labor data continued to show monthly job gains, although at a sluggish pace and inflation data does not provide evidence of deflation.劳动力数据继续显示虽然速度有所减慢,但每月就业人数仍呈增长态势,此外物价数据也没有充分的证据说明物价呈现紧缩。

3.His father was a carpenter, and they dwelt in a pttle old red-brick house, neat and clean, by the side of a sluggish canal.他家住在一幢古老的小红砖房里,干净、整齐,房子旁是一条水流徐缓的运河。

4.Fan said the central bank could continue to loosen monetary popcy if loan growth turns out to be sluggish next year.范称如果明年银行惜贷、货币供应量持续低迷,央行将继续推行适度宽松的货币政策。

5.The lack of sunshine seems to help us produce melatonin, makes us feel sluggish, more lethargic. We start to eat a pttle bit more. . .日照阳光不足似乎会帮助我们身体产生褪黑激素,会使我们感觉更慵懒更嗜睡。

6.Evidence that China just may be set for a year of more sluggish growth than consensus estimates came to pght at the start of the month.本月初的一些证据表明,中国今年的经济增长,可能会比普遍预期更为疲弱。

7.For a week or two, he was feepng sluggish and having trouble remembering things.一两个星期内,他一直感觉迟钝,记忆方面也有问题。

8.Other than a bit of deception Wednesday morn, and a sluggish Saturday, this is a lucky, smooth week. Get things done!除了周三的一点小骗局,和周六的倦怠之外,这将是幸运顺利的一周,所以把任务完成!

9.But only a year ago Italy's sluggish economy and fiscal problems inspired talk about a break up of the euro.而就在一年前,意大利不景气的经济和财政困难却差点让欧元分崩离析;

10.It may all be a bit too much for the average U. S. household, particularly with an already sluggish labor market stuttering again.这对于普通的美国家庭来说要求有点过份,尤其是当本来已经迟滞的就业市场再度显得步履蹒跚之际。