

Red Guards

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1.红卫兵内战旋即爆发,交战双方一为支持俄国及其革命运动的“红卫军”(Red Guards),另一方则是“白卫军”(White Guards),后者选 …

4.红卫队2. 红卫队 (Red Guards):一九一七年二月革命后,布尔什维克开始在全国各地工厂及党委员


1.In Beijing, Mr. Wu says, Red Guards shaved half the head of his wife, Zhou Nan, and ransacked his mother's home.吴敬琏说,红卫兵剃了他妻子周楠的半头头发,洗劫了母亲的家。

2.Yet, at the moment, some people are trying to be Yi He Tuan people and Red Guards again.不过,最近有人试图当义和团、红卫兵,国内当不了,就在国外当。

3.During the Cultural Revolution, when Red Guards tried to destroy anything associated with tradition, Mao ordered the museum protected.在文化大革命期间,当红卫兵试图破坏一切与传统有关的东西时,毛命令博物馆要受到保护。

4.Nien Cheng was arrested by the Red Guards in 1966 because of the false accusation that she was a spy for the imperiapsts.郑念在1966年被红卫兵逮捕,被指控为帝国主义充当间谍。

5.Now mobs of Red Guards were storming the mission as Mr Cradock, then poptical counsellor, and the rest of the staff retreated.现在红卫兵正冲进办事处,当时还是政治顾问的柯利达和其它同事赶紧撤退。

6.The Red Guards could still return one day, conjured up by the ghost of the Great Helmsman.在毛主席伟大舵手的召唤下红卫兵有一天会再重现。

7.Lyrics: Red Guards, Red Guards Burning with revolutionary zeal Tested by the storm of class struggle Tempered for battle our hearts are red.VideoDiscription:歌词:红卫兵,红卫兵革命的烈火燃在胸阶级斗争风浪考验了我路线斗争锻炼得心更红。

8.As head of the Revolutionary Committee in Shanghai Mr Zhang used the Red Guards, ruthless gangs of students and workers, to burn books.在上海担任革委会主任期间,张利用红卫兵,无情的工人和学生帮派来焚烧书籍。

9.But remember, Mao called the rampaging Red Guards of his Cultural Revolution, 'the perfect instruments of real democracy.但请记得,毛泽东曾称文化大革命的红卫兵为“真正民主的完美工具”。

10.Red Guards parade through street carrying red flags and a portrait of Mao Zedong.红卫兵举着红旗和毛泽东画像在街头游行。