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1.回收站 recycle-bin 资源回收筒 recycler 资源回收筒 redefinition 重复定义 ...

4.回收机 混合机 Mixer 回收机 Recycler 造粒机 Granulator ...

5.回收者 ... 反复形 frequentative 反复循环器 recycler 反复无常 caprice ...

7.再循环器 再循环系统 recycle system 再循环器 recycler 回收再利用 recycpng ...


1.Check to see if your recycler is first looking to see if old equipment can be reused.要搞清楚你的回收商是否首先检查旧的电子设备是否还能再利用。

2.The space-efficient shape and internal hinge allow the recycler to fit close to the wall.空间高效的形状和内部的铰链,使回收,以适应紧贴墙面。

3.A recycler with three holes as inlets can be used to feed metal, paper, plastic and grass and an inlet for garbage.回收再利用设备设有三个洞状入口,可用于装填金属,纸张,塑胶和玻璃,另外还设有一个垃圾进口。

4.Before the urine recycler was started up in November 2008, it was fully tested by Nasa.这套尿液循环系统于2008年11月启用,启用前的检测工作是由美国宇航局全权负责的。

5.Presence of autorun. inf files in the root of mapped drives pointing to a . dll file inside the RECYCLER folder of the drive.在场的Autorun.inf档案的根目录中映射的驱动器指向一个。dll文件的文件夹内再造的驱动器。

6.That means business is good for a small electronics recycler in Chantilly, Virginia.这也就意味着弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊的小型电器回收公司生意兴隆。

7.Computers also hold private or secret information. And securing that data is the fastest growing part of PC Recycler's business.电脑中可能存有私有或机密信息,而确保这些信息的安全是个人电脑回收公司增长最快的业务部分。

8.So they're getting value from something that would otherwise go to the landfill, things that wouldn't be accepted into a recycler.因此他们是在从垃圾堆里创造价值,这些东西原本不会进入回收装置的。

9.PC Recycler can remove data magnetically or completely destroy and recycle the drives.私人电脑使用磁化方法移除数据或者完全销毁数据,然后回收硬盘。

10.But there are ways to assure that your old electronic equipment is handled by a reputable recycler, says Puckett.Puckett说,但是,有些方法可以保证你的旧电子设备是由有信誉的回收商来处理的。