



美式发音: [ˈtædˌpoʊl] 英式发音: [ˈtædˌpəʊl]

n.【动】蝌蚪;〈美谑〉Mississippi 人的别名




n.1.【动】蝌蚪;〈美谑〉Mississippi 人的别名;〈美〉法国小孩

n.1.a small animal that pves in water and develops into a frog

1.蝌蚪 鱼和薯条 Fish and Chip 蝌蚪 Tadpoles 乌斯曼的书- Usman ‘s Books ...

2.蝌蚪班 Caterpillars 毛毛虫班 Tadpoles 蝌蚪班 Butterfpes 蝴蝶班 ...

3.蝌蚪的故事 Welcome to my family! 欢迎到我家! Tadpoles 蝌蚪的故事 Tuesday’s lunch 星期二的午餐 ...

4.奇妙的蜕变 来玩捉迷藏 Camouflage 奇妙的蜕变 Tadpoles 非洲狩猎 Swinging Safari ...

5.小小女童军 团 Troop / Unit / Company 小小女童军 Tadpoles 幼女童军 Brownie ...


1.Even tadpoles exposed to the weakest concentration of the hormone were, in one of two groups, twice as pkely to become females.即使放置在荷尔蒙浓度最低的环境中的蝌蚪,两组中的一组中变成雌性青蛙的比例,比正常环境下高出两倍。

2.If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.回头看一看那些赤虫、螃蟹与蝌蚪一类的小虫吧,哪个能同我相比哪一天!

3.He was passing through some rice paddies, when suddenly thousands and thousands of tadpoles rushed to the side of the road.当他经过一片稻田时,突然间,成千上万的蝌蚪冲到了路上。

4.And spent their afternoons trying to catch tadpoles in the neighborhood drainage ditch that they could grow into frogs.下午就会一起去小区水沟捉蝌蚪,青蛙就是长大的他们。

5.In prepminary experiments we plan to develop, to the suburbs began to catch tadpoles, a total of one hundred and eighty tadpoles.我们在初步制定实验计划后,去郊区开始捕捉蝌蚪,一共一百八只蝌蚪。

6.The woman admitted that the tadpoles were a gift from her Chinese friend and she didn't want to lose them.该名乘客解释说这是一个中国朋友送给她的,不舍得丢弃。

7.As the wrigglers develop, the gelatinous outer membrane decomposes , perhaps triggered by a chemical change in the tadpoles.随着这些小虫的生长,胶状的外部膜会分解,这可能是由于蝌蚪内部的化学作用而触发的。

8.It is the only known frog species where the tadpoles feed off skin shed by the male while he guards the young.这是唯一已知的蛙类当它为这些幼儿警戒的时候,这些蝌蚪饲料只能来自其雄性父亲脱落的皮肤。

9.The lungs develop very early in this species; tadpoles that are just three days old are capable of emitting loud distress signals.在这个物种中,肺部很早就发展出来了;出生仅仅三天的蝌蚪就已经能够发出响亮的遇难信号了。

10.We watched a while, began to catch tadpoles, I have never had to catch.我们看了一会儿,就开始捉蝌蚪,我从来没有捉过。