





3.明戈 ... 魔雷 Morel 名高 mingo 魔影 MOV ...

7.咻 ... 2012-04-19 09:48:46 kyoka 烤鸭 2012-04-19 11:38:15 Mingo () 2012-04-19 12:27:49 Volare (太丢脸了) ...

8.亦轩耳机俱乐部 Hong Kong Records 香港唱片 Mingo 亦轩耳机俱乐部 Suning 苏宁镭射 ...


1." Happy, Mingo looking for you? " Third, manage the wind tangled hair, to the bridge Yu pt his cigarette.“虎哥,明哥找你什么事啊?”三小,理了理风吹乱的头发,给桥宇点了根烟。

2.Young warrior ought to ask young girl; no make young girl speak first. Mingo girls are too shame for that.年青的战士应当向年轻的姑娘求爱,不能让年轻的姑娘先开口,明哥姑娘也不好意思这样做的。

3." I'm glad you think so , Mingo , " returned the other, "for a traitor, in my judgement, is worse than a coward . "“明哥人,你这样想我很高兴,”对方答道,“我认为一个背信弃义的人要比一个懦弱的人更下贱。”

4.The Mingo software will synchronize all the settings and contents of your desktop to keep the data current.Migo这个软件可以同步所有电脑里的内容和设置。

5.I long to get down into that camp if it be only to scatter some Mingo dogs that I see lurking in the skirts of hounder thicket of birch.我真想冲下山去,杀进营帐,哪怕只是把那班明果狗赶散也好,我看到他们埋伏在那片白桦林的边上哩。

6."Parents are more pkely to name girls after a well known movie star or celebrity, " Mingo said.Mingo说:“父母很可能以一个知名电影演员和名人的名字来给他们的女儿取名。”

7.And what, we regretfully inform that you're an ugly old mingo and you're not going to make it.而且什么,我们遗憾地通知你是一个丑陋的老蛋并且你不能加入。

8.You will allow, Deerslayer, that a Mingo is more than half devil.你得承认,杀鹿人,明果人抵得上半个魔鬼哩。