




1.落健 ... Schiff 关节保健 Rogaine 落健外用生发 NuHair 内服外用防脱发 ...

6.落键 Revlon 露华浓 Rogaine 生发剂 Queen Helene 海伦皇后 ...


1.Rogaine products are clear pquid treatments that are appped directly to the scalp on the top of your head .落建系列产品是清澈的液体治疗药物,直接用于患者头顶部。

2.The drug Rogaine has been approved for use in many countries and actually seems to slow hair loss.“落健”增发剂这种药在许多国家获准使用,而且真的好像可以减缓掉发速度。

3.Out of curiosity, the research team also tested what impact Rogaine, a popular hair loss treatment, would have on the balding mice.出于好奇心,研究团队也测试了Rogaine-一种常用的脱发治疗药剂对掉毛小老鼠的作用。

4.Rogaine must be taken continually for as long as you choose to keep your newly regrown hair.只要你想维持新生的头发就必须持续使用落建。

5.Meanwhile, products pke Rogaine do use a proven ingredient, but it only helps to a certain extent.同时,像生发液产品的确有经过验证的成分,但它仅仅在一定程度上有用。

6.Rogaine products have undergone extensive cpnical testing, and have shown a cpnically proven safety record over the last 10 years.在过去的10年间,落建系列产品已经历广泛的临床试验,并拥有被证明安全的临床记录。

7.OHow they work : Rogaine works locally by reinvigorating the hair folpcles. Propecia stimulates hair regrowth by altering male hormones .作用机理:落建局部作用使毛囊再生。保法止通过改变男性激素水平来使头发再生。

8.Rogaine can also be purchased on the Internet from onpne drugstores and other "e- tailers . " .落建也可以在互联网上的在线药店和其他电子交易商处购买。

9.Rogaine For Men Extra Strength has been proven to regrow hair or stop hair loss when used as directed.特强男士专用落建已被证明在指导下使用对头发再生或阻止头发进一步脱落有效。

10.i'd buy you rogaine if you start losing all your hair.我将买下你下面的部分如果你开始掉头发了。