




1.金砖四国金砖四国已经10年,其盛衰也尽收眼底,但在金砖四国(BRIC)之后,投资银行也纷纷提出更多的缩写,提醒世人未来成长的亮 …

2.金砖国家印度拥有金砖国家(BRIC)最高的趸售物价年增率(10月达7.45%),财政赤字也是居金砖国家之冠。4-8月印度外国直接投资金额 …

3.金砖四国简称金砖四国简称(BRIC)引用了巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国的英文首字母,由于该词与英文中的砖(Brick)类似,因此被称为“金砖四 …

4.良性复发性肝内胆汁淤积(benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis)4) benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis (BRIC) 良性复发性肝内胆汁淤积 5) Intrahepatic cholestasis 肝内胆汁淤积症


1.If Africa wants to be thought of as a Bric it should not be as hard as it is often made out.如果想进入金砖国家行列,非洲不应表现像它通常被认为地那么糟糕。

2.India has always held its place in the world as being one of the four major ancient civipzations and one of the four BRIC countries.四大古文明国到四大金砖国,印度在世界始终占有一席之地。

3.The US Dollar's place in the global system is a part of these last foundations that the BRIC countries are actively eroding day after day.金砖四国正日复一日地在积极侵蚀美国美元在全球体系可被取而代之的最后基础部分。

4.It is tough to see how South Africa matches up to these four countries, never mind the BRIC countries.我们很难看到南非如何能比得上这四个国家,更别提金砖四国了。

5.China is, again, the only Bric to have been able to do much.中国又一次成为金砖四国中唯一能够做出很大贡献的国家。

6.For many a year mere mention of the term Bric has been guaranteed to set South African officials' teeth grinding.有好几年,哪怕只是提一下“金砖四国”这个词,都会让南非的官员们恨得咬牙切齿。

7.Brazil, Russia, India, and China -- the BRIC countries -- continued to assert their rising global influence this year.巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国——金砖四国——2010年里继续显示着他们增长中的全球影响力。

8.To a certain degree there has been a lot of talk about all the BRIC countries -- Brazil, Russia, India and China.从某种程度上讲,很多谈论都是在谈论金砖(BRIC)四国-巴西,俄罗斯,印度和中国。

9.One sign of this is a desire to be ranked among the BRIC economic club of Brazil, Russia, India and China.表现之一是希望加入巴西、俄罗斯、印度与中国组成的“金砖四国”经济俱乐部。

10.But 2010, in relative terms, has not been a great year for Bric stock markets.但相对而言,2010年金砖四国股市的表现不足称道。