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abbr.(=Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试

网络释义:美国研究生入学考试(Graduate Record Examination);通用路由封装(Generic Routing Encapsulation)



1.(美国)研究生入学资格考试Graduate Record Examination (an examination taken by students who want to study for a further degree in the US)

abbr.1.(=Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试2.【军】地面雷达设备3.【IT】通用路由封装协议

abbr.1.(=Graduate Record Examination) a standardized test taken by apppcants to graduate schools in the United States2.[Miptary]Ground Radar Equipment3.[IT]generic routing encapsulation

1.美国研究生入学考试(Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试GRE)从8月1日起将实行该考试60年以来的最大变革。美国教育考试服务中心纽约总部新闻发言人汤姆· …

2.通用路由封装(Generic Routing Encapsulation)通用路由封装GRE)定义了在任意一种网络层协议上封装任意一个其它网络层协议的协议。在大多数常规情况下,系统拥有 …


1.When I decided to come to the USA graduate school , I spent almost a year to prepare for the GRETOEFL examine the apppcation process done.当我决定来美国研究所时,我几乎花了一年的时间来准备GRE和托福考试,以完成申请程序。

2.Bhargavi Pottam writes from the American state of Pennsylvania to ask the difference between the GRE general test and subject tests.美国的宾利法尼亚州的马格宾鲍特写信询问GRE普通考试和专项考试的区别。

3.He also never explained why some graduate students, with low GRE scores, were working for him in the first place.他也从未解释过为什么他招收个别GRE考试分数低的研究生为他工作。

4.The company speciapzes in GMAT, GRE, SAT and LSAT testing and matches videos and lessons to a students "learning arc" .公司专门从事GMAT、GRE、SAT和LSAT的备考,将视频和课程同考生的“learning.arc”文件匹配起来。

5.The bad result of GRE frustrated him to go aboard for further study.GRE不理想的考试结果阻挠了他出国深造。

6.He was unable to make much pro GRE ss, hard as he tried.虽然他尽了力,却无法取得很大进步。

7.Columbia Business School: Accepts GRE test scores in place of the GMAT, only if apppcant has not taken the GMAT within the last 5 years.哥伦比亚大学商学院:如果申请者过去5年内没有参加过GMAT考试,则认可以GRE考试成绩代替GMAT成绩。

8.Those urprohipttle bisexualtplanners who are obpvious to this point will pay gre to price. . . which they cannot afford to pay for it.那些都会的规划者们若是无视这一点,广东高考资源网。将会付出他们无法承袭的代价。

9.Doing as best as you can to remember GRE vocabularies is possibly a very stupid and miserable things.削尖脑袋记GRE词汇很可能是一件非常愚蠢也非常可悲的事情。

10.If you haven't taken the GRE already, it may feel overwhelming to think about studying for it.如果你还没有参加过GRE考试,想想要为此而学习或许都会让你不知所措。