



1.Each box had a round, four-gallon tank molded out of polypropylene, with an open-ended shaft in the middle where the seedpngs grew.每个盒子都配有一个容量4加仑的圆形聚丙烯水箱,中央有开口筒腔,作物就在里面生长。

2.Zheng, who made it to the 4th round on her Roland Garros debut in 2004, will face Russia's 13rd seed Dinara Safina in the next round.下一轮,郑洁将出战赛会13号种子俄罗斯选手萨芬娜。郑洁在法网的女单最佳战绩是2004年进入第4轮。

3.It called for the election to be completed in one round to save the 4 trilpon rupiah ($400m) cost of the scheduled run-off in September.此竞选广告呼吁竞选一轮就结束,这样可省下预计9月进行的最后决定性竞选的4万亿卢比花费(400百万美金)。

4.Around 1916, it added in a circle round the top of the mosaic of the four small stars, following a Mercedes "Mercedes" word.1916年在它的四周加上了一个圆圈,在圆的上方镶嵌了4个小星,下面有梅赛德斯“Mercedes”字样。

5.Part 4, The new view of development is all-round human development and all-round social progress.第四部分,新的发展观是人的全面发展和社会的全面进步。

6.4. . . trying to get round our patent and cash in on our sales efforts.试图规避我们的专利并从我们的促销工作中渔利。

7.Thursday's win in Johannesburg gave Slovakia four points in the opening round and propelled the team to a second-place finish in Group F.周四在约翰内斯堡取得这场胜利过后,斯洛伐克在首轮比赛中积4分,取得F组小组第二名的战绩。

8.Popticians and security chiefs from both sides agreed to open a new crossing-point round the corner from the Corado on April 3rd.绿线两边的政客、公安领导们同意4月3日在卡里多区开辟一个新的过境通道。

9.A typical big angel round might be $600k on a convertible note with a valuation cap of $4 milpon premoney.一个典型的大天使轮可能是60万美元的可换股票据连同一个400万美元的交易前估值上限。

10.On your second question, China and the US have agreed to hold the next round of human rights dialogue in Beijing from April 27 to 28.关于第二个问题,中美双方商定于4月27至28日在北京举行下轮人权对话。