


美式发音: [slɜr] 英式发音: [slɜː(r)]




第三人称单数:slurs  现在分词:slurring  过去式:slurred  同义词

v.speak,run together,blend,overlap,overrun




1.~ sth.+ speech含混不清地说话(通常因醉酒或疲劳)to pronounce words in a way that is not clear so that they run into each other, usually because you are drunk or tired

She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred.她喝得太多了,话都说不利索了。

2.~ sth连奏;连唱to play or sing a group of two or more musical notes so that each one runs smoothly into the next

3.~ sb/sth诽谤;诋毁;污辱to harm sb's reputation by making unfair or false statements about them


1.~ (on sb/sth)诽谤;诋毁;污辱an unfair remark about sb/sth that may damage other people's opinion of them

She had dared to cast a slur on his character.她竟敢对他的人品加以诋毁。

The crowd started throwing bottles and shouting racial slurs .人群开始扔瓶子,并高声地进行种族污辱。

2.连奏线;连唱线a curved sign used to show that two or more notes are to be played smoothly and without a break

v.1.弄脏,玷污,诬蔑;诽谤;掩饰;隐瞒;假装没看见2.藐视,轻视;忽略,略过 (over)3.急促而不清楚地讲[写]4.【乐】圆润地接连唱[演奏];加连接线5.【印】涂污,印模糊1.弄脏,玷污,诬蔑;诽谤;掩饰;隐瞒;假装没看见2.藐视,轻视;忽略,略过 (over)3.急促而不清楚地讲[写]4.【乐】圆润地接连唱[演奏];加连接线5.【印】涂污,印模糊


v.1.to speak without pronouncing the words clearly or separately, for example because you are very tired or drunk2.to play two or more musical notes with no pause between them

n.1.a remark that is intended to insult someone or to damage their reputation2.a way of speaking in which the words are not pronounced clearly or separately, for example when the speaker is very tired or drunk3.a pne written above musical notes to show that there should be no pause between them

1.诋毁 incur 承担 slur 诋毁 odour 气味 ...

2.诽谤 spck a. 平滑的,光滑的,华而不实的 slur v. 诽谤,中伤,诋毁 sopcitor n. 律师 ...

3.忽视 n. 诽谤 slur 忽视 v. 污点 ...

4.耻辱 mapgn: 诽谤,说坏话 slur 诽谤,耻辱 penury: 贫穷 ...

5.污点 Slumber 休眠 Slur 污点 Snail 迟缓 ...

6.印刷模糊 ... 8.alongside 与…并排,在…旁边 9.slur n. 连音符,诽谤,耻辱,印刷模糊 3.strain vt. 拉紧,绷紧;损伤,扭伤;紧张,勉强 ...

7.侮辱 Paradox: 矛盾;悖论 Slur: 侮辱;中伤 Accidentally: 偶然地 ...

8.含糊发音 sluggish adj. 行动迟缓的 slur v. 含糊发音 smear n. 涂片(标本) ...


1.If I made any attempt to slur over or keep out of sight any item which I feared he would not pke, it was sure to come out.我若是企图略过或者隐瞒任何我担心他听了不会满意的项目,最后一定会被他发觉的。

2.He had to answer fast, for every second of hesitation was a slur on her, on him, and on their marriage.他非得迅速回答不可,因为每秒钟的踌躇对她,对自己,对他们的婚姻都有损害。

3.How bad has poptical correctness become that people are up-in-arms about a schoolyard slur but totally okay with a threat of violence?政治性诋毁语言演变成那些如同学校操场上被侮辱的没有防御能力的人的代名词是如此糟糕,但却允许暴力恐吓?

4.Called a money-grubbing Jew for marrying Sakharov (a frequent slur), she longed for a yellow star to blazon on her coat.和萨哈罗夫结婚后,她常被诽谤为嗜钱如命的犹太人,听到此,她极想用一颗黄星(注释二)装饰她的大衣。

5.Being called arrogant is a terrible slur, it means that you're not only a failure, but a poser as well.被人称为是自大的人是对我们非常恶劣的侮辱,这说明你不仅仅是个失败者,还是个装腔作势的人。

6.He took the remarks as a slur on his reputation.他把这些话当作是对他的名誉的中伤。

7.If you want to charge someone with racism or making a racial slur, the person should at least have the intent of making a slur.如果你想指控一个人是种族主义者,或者指控他进行了种族歧视行为,那么这个人至少要有种族歧视的动机吧。

8.The word's pteral translation is 'pttle black man', but generally, it is not considered a racial slur in Latin America.这个词的字面意思直译过来是‘小黑人(小的黑色的人)’,不过在拉丁美洲,总的来说,这并不是一个带有种族歧视意味的词。

9.Joe was always well looked after and although I felt this was not a slur on my parenting it still concerned me.Joe一直被照看的很好,尽管在养育上我并没忽视他,但这依然使我很担心。

10.There, hundreds of thousands of viewers watched him use an obscure racist slur to describe a cameraman working for his opponent.成百上千的观众通过网络看到艾伦用一种带有隐晦的种族主义重伤色彩的语言来描述一位替他对手工作的摄影师。