


网络释义:美国妇科肿瘤协会(Society of Gynecologic Oncology);妇科肿瘤学会(Society Gynecology Oncology);妇科肿瘤协会(Society of Gynecologic Oncologists)


1.美国妇科肿瘤协会(Society of Gynecologic Oncology) 聚焦癌症村 据悉,我国每年新发癌症病例200万人,因癌症死亡人 …

3.妇科肿瘤协会(Society of Gynecologic Oncologists)


1.As a part of the SGO Health Research Promotion Programme a research programme on rehabiptation medicine was reapzed.作为学生辅导卫生研究推广计划的一部分,对康复医学的研究方案得以实现。

2.I got most of my destination, hostel and transportation info from the book Let'sGo--Europe.我从旅游手册《去欧洲》一书中获得了有关我要去的目的地、旅舍及交通的大部分信息。

3.RTF will give more power than SGO because it has lower viscosity provided that gear or transmission is enough protection using RTF.RTF格式将提供更多的能耗比SGO,因为它具有较低的粘度规定,齿轮或传输足以保护使用RTF格式。

4.The kangaroo comes fromAustrapa, the polar bearfrom the Arctic, and thewolf from Europe. Let'sgo and see a tiger.袋鼠来自澳大利亚,北极熊来自北极,狼来自欧洲。现在咱们去看一只老虎。

5.To respond positively, you can say: Yes, let's go.如果回答是肯定的,可以说:Yes,let’sgo(是的,咱们走吧)。