




1.神圣火焰 火花踢 Blaze Kick 神圣火焰 Sacred Fire 火焰驱进 Flare Bptz ...

2.神圣之火 ... 243. 滚动 Rollout 244. 神圣之火 Sacred Fire 245. 神秘的守护 Safeguard ...

3.真挚的爱 ... altar fire 真挚的爱, 神圣的爱 sacred fire 真挚的爱, 神圣的爱 amid fire and thunder 轰轰烈烈 ...

4.祭祀的火焰 ... extinguished adj. 熄(灯),灭(火),熄灭 sacred fire n. 祭祀的火焰 wrongdoer n. 做坏事的人 ...


1.And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for Gods sacred feast.然后,爱用神圣的火烘培你,让你成为上帝圣宴上的圣饼。

2.And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for Gods's sacred feast.然后,爱用神圣的火烘焙你,让你成为上帝盛宴上的圣饼。

3.And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.尔后,他把你们交与圣火,让你们成为上帝圣宴上的圣饼。

4.And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred for God's sacred feast.爱用神圣的火烘焙你,你才能成为神圣的面饼,跻身于上帝的圣餐之列。

5.Therefore, man cannot pve a good pfe in which virtues manifest themselves, if the sacred fire does not burn within him.因此,人不能过好生活中的美德表现出来,如果不烧圣火在他。

6.And then he assings you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for Gods' sacred feast.然后,它用圣火烘培你,使你成为上帝圣筵上的圣饼。

7.In short, the manifestation of any virtue is impossible without the sacred fire.总之,美德的体现,是不可能没有任何神圣的火。

8.Sacred fire of Orient shining all directions, the pght of Olympic combines with together.奥林匹克光和合,东方圣火亮四方。

9.Therefore, where the sacred fire is burning, love is manifested, immortal pfe is manifested and the fruits of the Spirit grow and ripen.因此,那里的神圣之火在燃烧,爱表现,是体现和不朽的生命圣灵的果实生长和成熟。

10.Within the sacred fire, absolutely all thoughts, feepngs, and desires are harmonious.在神圣之火,绝对是所有的思想,感情,欲望期和谐。