


美式发音: [sɑp] 英式发音: [sɒp]


abbr.(=standing [standard] operating procedure)


英文单词:标准操作规程(Standard Operating Procedure);标准作业流程(Standard Operation Procedure);标准作业程序

复数:sops  过去分词:sopped  现在分词:sopping  同义词




1.[ususing]~ (to sb/sth)(为缓和某人愤怒或失望情绪而赠与的)小东西a small, not very important, thing that is offered to sb who is angry or disappointed in order to make them feel better


v.1.把...泡在肉汤[牛奶等]里;使湿透;用贿赂收买 (up)2.泡;湿透;(液体)渗透 (in, into, through)

abbr.1.(=standing [standard] operating procedure);【军】标准作战规定;〈美俚〉标准操作规定,标准做法

n.1.something that you give to someone to make them stop opposing you, causing trouble for you, or asking for something more valuable

abbr.1.(=standing [standard] operating procedure)

1.标准操作规程(Standard Operating Procedure)cess)文件是企业界常用的一种作业方法,若公司对标准作业流程SOP)文件管理制度能进行改善或缩短,不仅能够增进企 …

3.标准作业程序有否标准作业程序(SOP)之 建立? 5.研究人员及主持人之资历及专业训练经验是否足以执 行该细胞疗法人体试验,确保不会偏 …

4.标准操作程序更衣的标准操作程序 (SOP)必须完备并在任何时候都应坚持。更衣程序可因各单位的具体情况而定。



1.All day it streamed rain, the island ran like a sop, there was no dry spot to be found.雨水象倾倒似的,终日不息,小岛成了泥浆地,找不到一块干燥的地方。

2.Rather than trying to cover up that past, local authorities are now promoting Sop Ruak as the "official Golden Triangle village" .当地政府并不想掩盖这儿的过去,相反大肆宣传推广,把索拉说成“正式的金山角村”。

3.and work procedures ( SOP ) is often applied only to certain departments, only involves a separate specific activity.而工作规程(作业指导书)往往只应用于某一部门,只涉及到一项独立的具体活动。

4.or SOP, written up in an employee handbook for her job and for the front counter.记载在她的职务和柜台职员的员工手册内。

5.Funds and funds of hedge funds raced to market, ready to sop up all demand for investments deemed alternative.资金和对冲基金纷纷跑到市场,准备全部吸收视作另类的投资需求。

6.But Mr Murphy dismissed the action, saying that it was a short-term sop to US opinion ahead of this week's two-day congressional hearing.但墨菲对此不以为然,认为这不过是赶在美国国会举行听证会前迎合美国舆情的短期行为。

7.If I can give the Cerberus a sop, I shall be at rest for one day.如果我能给这家伙一点甜头,那我就会有一天的安宁了。

8.Avoiding a meeting with the Dalai Lama in Washington this month was an unnecessary sop to his hosts.这个月在华盛顿避而不见达赖喇嘛来讨好东道主是不必要的。

9.Japan would be allowed to hunt 120 minke whales in its coastal waters as a sop to local sentiment in four ports.日本将会被允许在自己的海域内猎杀120条小须鲸,作为对四个港口当地人情感上的一些安慰。

10.In fact, disallowing SOP would be the phishers' ultimate wish: As you look at a valid, legitimate, page, a third party monitors it.禁用SOP实际上是钓鱼者真正想要的:当您查看一个合法的、正当的页面时,却有一个第三方在监视它。