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1.锶 SPVC● 悬浮法聚氯乙烯 SR合成橡胶 SRP● 聚苯乙烯橡胶改性塑料 ...


1.Later on, Obama Sr. told immigration officials that he thought of himself as divorced in Kenya before he arrived in the United States.此后不久,老奥巴马告诉移民局的官员在他到达美国之前已经在肯尼亚离婚。

2.Bush Sr. chose to give the speech at the United Nations for a reason: America was the preeminent power, but he was a multilateralist.老布什选择在联合国发表演说乃事出有因:美国是超级大国,而他是多边主义者。

3.This was the anticolonial ideology of Barack Obama Sr. and many in his generation, including many of my own relatives in India.老巴拉克.奥巴马及他的许多同代人,也包括我在印度的许多亲人,他们的反殖民主义意识形态就源自于此。

4.The last of Barack Obama Sr's eight children, George Obama was born less than a year before his father died in a car accident.乔治·奥巴马出生不到一年,他的父亲就因车祸去世,是巴拉克·奥巴马家族中八个孩子中最后一个。

5.At the age of 28, out of nearly a thousand Jr. Accountants in his division, he's one of only two who were promoted to be Sr.在他28岁的时候,手下就有了近一千人的初级会计师,去年仅提拔了两名资深会计师,他就是其中一个。

6.'Mary and I were both concerned about it -- I think she a bit more than I, ' Bill Sr. says.盖茨的父亲说,我和玛丽都对他的决定很担心,我想她比我还要更加担心一点儿;

7.Allen Gant Sr. had at least one satisfied customer, but the panty-stocking combo did not grab most women's attentions at first.老甘特至少有一个满意的客户,但起初裤子与袜子的组合并没吸引大多女性的眼球。

8."Right. " Sr. Summers said. He made a note on the list he was holding. Then he asked, "Watson boy drawing this year? "“好的。”夏莫斯先生说。他在他拿着的名单上做了个记号。然后他说,“沃森小子今年要抽签吗?”

9.Then Roger, Sr. , Visited Europe to call on suppliers and discovered there was a market for our tools and supplies.然后罗杰,当政期间,曾到欧洲拜访供应商和发现有市场,我们的工具和用品。

10.And yet, if Obama Sr. were only a jerk, there wouldn't be any reason to read about him, regardless of who his son turned out to be.然而,不管他的儿子成了什么人物,如果老奥巴马只是个蠢蛋,就没有任何必要读他的传记。