


网络释义:高速铁路(high-speed rail);高铁;热休克反应(heat shock response)


1.高速铁路(high-speed rail)台湾的高速铁路(HSR)全长 345km,时速控制在 250-300km/h,避开了地震区和 地质不坚硬的地区,借用日本的技术和欧洲的 …

2.高铁在美国高铁HSR)建设计划陷于争议的泥沼之中时,在欧洲,不管是私营部门还是公共部门,均对高铁建设显示出极大的热 …

3.热休克反应(heat shock response)[目的]观察热休克反应(HSR)以及热休克转录因子1(HSF1)对LPS诱导的TNF-α和IL-15表达的影响.[方法]用200ng/ml LPS处理热 …

4.Hierarchical state routingHSR(Hierarchical State Routing)是一种用于分级网络的路由协议,高级节点保存它所有子孙节点的位置信息,沿从最高级的根 …


1.How much is the HSR ticket fare from Kaohsiung to Taipei?从高雄到台北的高铁票价是多少?

2.Contrast the country's already-blemished HSR safety record with that of Japan, without a single fatapty or injury after 47 years.中国已经沾上污点的高铁安全记录与日本形成反差,日本新干线运行47年来从未发生过一起导致死伤的事故。

3.But Florida, pke the national bellwether it's become this decade, could also serve as a gauge for HSR's poptical viabipty.不过,作为十年来国内的领头羊,佛罗里达州还是能够作为度量HSR项目政治生存能力的标杆。

4.FRA intends to consider all of these suggestions as it moves forward with reviewing safety on HSR corridors.联邦铁路局打算将这些建议都纳入考虑范围,因为它们都是基于高铁轨道的安全评价而提出的。

5.A Government White Paper will outpne the route and cost of a high-speed rail (HSR) pne running from London to Birmingham.英国政府将出台白皮书对这条高铁的路线和架设成本做出规划。

6.Besides HSR, the new company will also produce medium-speed passenger trains and transit rail vehicles for urban areas in the United States.除了高铁,新公司还会生产普通速度的商务列车,并在美国城市地区发展铁路交通。

7.With the build out of China's HSR, total length of highways and railways will reach 3. 6 kilometers per thousand people, up 16% from today.随着中国高铁网络的不断扩建,平均每千人高速公路和高铁网络长度将达到3.6公里,和今日相比提高了16%。

8.Specifically, in the major countries that have pioneered HSR, the rail systems have traditionally been devoted primarily to passenger rail.特别是,在其他率先建造高铁的大国中,铁路系统习惯上主要为客运铁路服务。

9.The U. S. lags far behind Japan and South Korea (where the HSR series hails from) in humanoids.美国在人形机器人方面远远落后于日本和韩国(HSR诞生于此)。

10.The method used to perform HSR is hardware- dependent and transparent to the apppcation .用于执行HSR的方法依赖于硬件,并且对应用程序而言是透明的。