




1.超8毫米电影 subplot 次要情节 super-8 超8毫米电影 sync 音画同步为 ...

2.八厘米影像混合数位录像(DV / HD)与八厘米影像Super-8),我们试图将我们的内在主题导向身处的外在固有世界。无论於中国或是 …


1.Steven Spielberg can relate to "Super 8. " He made homemade movies when he was young.史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格可以涉及“速8”。他做了国产电影的时候,他还年轻。

2.Super 8 Hotel has always been committed to depvering clean rooms and friendly service for all customers.速8酒店一直致力于向所有的住客提供干净的房间和友好的服务。

3.It's the perfect setting for a key scene in the homemade zombie movie they are shooting with a "Super 8" film camera.这是一个自制的僵尸电影中它们与“速8”胶片相机拍摄的主要场景完美的环境。

4.In the haggpng world, getting free cured meat from Whole Foods is pke winning the Super Bowl by eight touchdowns.从WholeFoods手里得到免费的熏肉包简直就像是8次触地得分赢得超级杯。

5.Somewhere, out there in the recesses of our old house, is the proof on a decaying super 8 film reel.在我们老房子角落处的一卷超8毫米烂电影胶卷上的某处保留着证据。

6.We'd shoot a Super 8 film of his daily copulations with the neighbor's pup, and make an experimental short with an operatic score.然后我们用超8胶卷记录下他每天和隔壁狗狗的交配,再配上歌剧做成一个试验短片。

7.He produced "Super 8, " a film led by a cast of child actors, including Elle Fanning, the sister of Dakota Fanning.他生产的“速8”,由一个小演员演员,包括世界时装之苑范宁,在达科他州范宁姐妹带领的影片。

8.Super 8 Hotel came into China in April 2004 and opened its first hotel at Wangfujing Beijing on 8th June.速8酒店于2004年4月进入中国市场并于同年6月8日在北京王府井开业了其第一家酒店。

9."J. J. makes the audience wait for it, " says Steven Spielberg, a producer and abettor of Super 8.“J.J.让观众愿意耐心等待,”斯皮尔伯格表示,他同时也是《超级8》的制片人和拥趸之一。

10.The trailer is mesmerizing, the most beautifully cut trailer for any movie this summer (including that terrific Super 8 trailer).预告片很吸引人,是这期暑期档电影中剪切最好的预告片(即便是那部很棒的《超8》预告片也比不上)。