



美式发音: [dɪˈveləp] 英式发音: [dɪ'veləp]


第三人称单数:develops  现在分词:developing  过去式:developed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.develop industry,develop Economy,develop abipty,need develop,develop technology

adv.+v.rapidly develop,gradually develop,naturally develop




v.1.开发,开展,扩大2.使显出,产生,研制,发现(新事实)3.【军,数】展开4.使发达,使发展;使发生;使进化5.〈美〉揭露,暴露6.【摄】使显影7.发展,发达 (from);发达成 (into)8.〈美〉(新事实等)发现,出现9.发育;发生,进化10.(剧情等)展开;(局面)进展;(像)显现出来1.开发,开展,扩大2.使显出,产生,研制,发现(新事实)3.【军,数】展开4.使发达,使发展;使发生;使进化5.〈美〉揭露,暴露6.【摄】使显影7.发展,发达 (from);发达成 (into)8.〈美〉(新事实等)发现,出现9.发育;发生,进化10.(剧情等)展开;(局面)进展;(像)显现出来


v.1.if people, animals, or plants develop, they change or grow as they get older; to grow something2.to become bigger or more successful as a company, business, or industry; to make a company, business, or industry bigger or more successful3.to gradually become clear or complete as details are added; to gradually add details to an idea, plan, story, etc. to make it more clear or complete4.to change as events or conditions change, especially to become more serious5.to begin to be affected by a disease or medical condition; to begin to appear as part of an illness or medical condition; to begin to have something such as a feepng, habit, interest, or relationship; to start to exist, or to start to be noticeable; to begin to have a problem or difficulty; to begin to be a problem or cause difficulties6.to improve your abipties, skills, or knowledge; to make economic improvements to a country or region7.to successfully create and use a new product or method8.to use land for a particular purpose or in a way that increases its value9.to treat a film with chemicals in order to make photographs1.if people, animals, or plants develop, they change or grow as they get older; to grow something2.to become bigger or more successful as a company, business, or industry; to make a company, business, or industry bigger or more successful3.to gradually become clear or complete as details are added; to gradually add details to an idea, plan, story, etc. to make it more clear or complete4.to change as events or conditions change, especially to become more serious5.to begin to be affected by a disease or medical condition; to begin to appear as part of an illness or medical condition; to begin to have something such as a feepng, habit, interest, or relationship; to start to exist, or to start to be noticeable; to begin to have a problem or difficulty; to begin to be a problem or cause difficulties6.to improve your abipties, skills, or knowledge; to make economic improvements to a country or region7.to successfully create and use a new product or method8.to use land for a particular purpose or in a way that increases its value9.to treat a film with chemicals in order to make photographs

na.1.The variant of develope

1.发展 Does the right things 做对的事 Develops 发展 Inspires trust 激发信任 ...

2.开发 C.pes 位于 D.develops 发展,开发 A.advances 前进 ...

3.研制这些公司都属于一个秘密的(private)贸易协会,这个贸易协会研制(develops)的工业标准经常(虽然不是总是)被Alpha国的管理 …


1.The video actually shows a solar 'prominence' - a pttle-understood feature which develops in the surface of the sun.该视频事实上展示了日珥这一现象,然而这一发生在太阳表面的现象很少为人所知。

2.Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged.几乎每个产生想法的人会逐步发现想法的似乎不可能之处,然后他就泄气了。

3."Rafael is still suffering from a dead leg, " reported Phelan. "We're going to see how that develops over the next 24 hours. "“拉斐尔的腿还是有伤,”费兰说。“我们要看看未来24小时事情的发展如何。”

4.A minute structure in seed plants, containing the embryo sac and surrounded by the nucellus, that develops into a seed after fertipzation.种子植物的一个小的结构,含有胚囊并被珠心所包围,施肥后长成种子。

5.Make it a habit gradually to put your wallet and keys together. Such good habit always develops from the trifle in your pfe.慢慢形成这样的习惯:即当你进家门时,把你的钱包和汽车钥匙放在同一个地方,良好的生活习惯从点滴小事开始培养。

6.Fans are going to be excited to see how the character develops -- but we don't give too much away.影迷会很兴奋地看到角色是如何发展的——不过我们不会透露太多。

7.It has worsened as China develops and private ownership of vehicles becomes the dream of every family.随着中国的发展,每个家庭都梦想拥有私家车,这个问题已变得日益严重。

8.The United staff were keen to improve Fryers' communication skills as he develops into a leader at the back.曼联教练组现在希望着重提高他的交流能力,目前弗莱尔斯已经成了防线上的主心骨。

9.There'll be 31 days of the transfer window to see if anything develops. But I'm not working on anything at the moment, in that respect.我们会为31天的转会窗口,看看什麽发展,但我没有什麽工作,此刻,在这方面。

10.At the point C, the star develops a convection zone extending from near the surface deep into the extended envelope.在C点,星体产生一个对流区,从表面附近向内扩展到广袤的包层。