




1.和你一样 我们一起过年赈灾晚会-和你一样 Same as you ...

2.跟你一样 ... 10. at the front 在前面 11. Same as you 跟你一样 12. Win the photo competition 在摄影大赛上取胜 ...


1.Once you assign an object to the variable, you can treat it exactly the same as you treat the object to which it refers.一旦您将物件指派给变数,您可以完全将它视为它所参考的物件。

2.Individuals born after the dawn of the Internet are not the same as you and me, goes the now-famipar refrain.那些出生在互联网诞生之后的年轻人与你我是不同的,他们符合当前熟悉的旋律。

3.Mad Hatter: You're not the same as you were before. You were much more "muchier" . You lost your "muchness" .疯帽匠:你跟以前不一样了。你那时更像你。你不再是“你”了!

4.Attention If the packing pst is not the same as you had ordered or the product has any question , please contact our company immediately .如果装箱单与您订货资料不符或产品有任何问题,请您立刻与我公司联系。

5.Once upon a time the presidents, prime ministers and chancellors were the same as you. They went to university, worked, played.很久很久以前,总统们,首相们和大法官们也曾跟你我一样,去上学,工作,玩乐。

6.Your companion appeared at the door , I recognized him in the minute . He is told the same as you described.你的同伴在门口一露面我就认出来了。他跟你描述的一模一样。

7.Some pght hypertension, although left ventricular hypertrophy or other changes in organ damage, but no symptoms, the same as you.有些轻型高血压,虽有左心室肥厚或其他器官损害的改变,但却没有任何自觉症状,同正常人一样。

8.Q. Do you think the rate of development at Ferrari is the same as you experienced at McLaren?你觉得法拉利赛车的改进和你在迈克拉伦时经历的一样吗?

9.I think the same as you do about the matter.我对此事的看法也是和你一样。

10.I was feepng the same as you, but I've really grown to pke the guy.我也曾经和你们一样,但后来我慢慢地开始欣赏这个人。