


美式发音: ['kænɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kænɪŋ]








1.[c](盛食品或饮料的)金属罐a metal container in which food and drink is sold

a can of beans豆罐头

a beer/paint can啤酒罐;漆筒

2.[c]一罐(的量)the amount contained in a can

We drank a can of Coke each.我们每人喝了一罐可乐。

3.[c](装运液体用的)金属容器,塑料容器a metal or plastic container for holding or carrying pquids

an oil can油罐

a watering can洒水壶

4.[c]喷雾罐a metal container in which pquids are kept under pressure and let out in a fine spray when you press a button on the pd

a can of hairspray一罐喷发定型剂


6.[sing]茅房;厕所the toilet

IDMa can of worms(informal)棘手的问题;难题;麻烦事if you open upa can of worms , you start doing sth that will cause a lot of problems and be very difficultbe in the can(informal)已拍摄好;录制完毕to be completed and ready for usev.

1.~ sth把(食品)装罐保存to preserve food by putting it in a can

2.(informal)~ sb解雇;让…卷铺盖走人;炒…的鱿鱼to dismiss sb from their job



v.1.The present participle of can


2.罐头制造 canned a. 罐装的 现在分词 canning n. 罐头制造 名词 more ad. 多,更多,进一步n.更多 ...

3.坎宁 cannikin 小罐头 canning 罐装;罐头制造;罐藏 canning industry 罐头工 …

5.罐装 cannikin 小罐头 canning 罐装;罐头制造;罐藏 canning industry 罐头工 …

6.装罐 Caltex Green Fund 加德士环保基金 canning 装罐 canvas shroud 帆布罩 ...

7.坎宁镇地产创新 天底下竟然有这样卖房子(2) 全美房地产销售冠军Ken Deleon …

8.罐藏法 ... cannabinol 大麻醇 canning 罐藏法 Cannizzaro reaction 坎尼乍若反应 ...


1.Canning 32nm gave TSMC a few more months of running around in circles trying to fix the mounting problems that it had.坎宁了台积电32纳米的运行试图解决日益加剧的问题,它已手忙脚乱几个月。

2.they are canning on us boss! that cpff up ahead, you think you can jump it? you aint as spry as used to be. . .他们追上来了!老大,这些悬崖,你能跳过去吗?别像以前一样了!

3.Can it escaped now, although canning not getting away from A City is so far, perhaps also do evil things, must figure a way.可现在它逃走了,虽然离不开A市那么远,恐怕还会作恶,一定要想个法子。

4."We are all getting older, we are all getting up to that age. Nothing lasts forever; all good things come to an end, " Canning said.“我们都会变老,都会那个年龄,没有什么可以永久存在的,美好的东西总会消失”,这是一位叫凯宁的过客说的话。

5.Freezing and canning enables seasonal fruits and vegetables to be available all year round all over the world.冷冻和罐头制造使消费者整年都可以享用到全世界季节性的水果和蔬菜。

6.What I can do is to recommend by one's owns, owning me's canning be what you use then can enumerate.我可以做的就是自我推荐,把我本身拥有可以为您所用的才能列举出来。

7.Grandma put up strawberry jam, tomatoes, beans, peppers, pears and peaches in canning jam. They were good to eat through the long winter.奶奶还把做好的草莓酱、番茄、豆子、辣椒、梨子和桃子装进罐子里,使它们的美味能保持一整个漫长的冬天。

8.Does the grass folk contrast for what adult build being the ship that the distant aptitude sail can fight, how canning?草民为大人造的是能远航能打仗的船,怎么能比呢?

9.The expansions include cheese-making operations in Wisconsin and Idaho and a sweet potato canning plant in Arkansas.此次扩张包括在威斯康兴州和爱达荷州建造奶酪制造场和在阿肯色州建造的甘薯罐头厂。

10.Canning and freezing are not the only ways to keep fish for future use.制成罐头和冷冻并不是将鱼保存起来以备将来之用的唯一办法。