


美式发音: [dɪsˈjus] 英式发音: [dɪsˈjuːs]









1.不用;废弃a situation in which sth is no longer being used

The factory fell into disuse twenty years ago.这家工厂二十年前就废弃了。



n.1.a situation in which something is not being used

1.废弃 distraction n. 娱乐, 分心的事物, 分心 disuse n. 不被使用, 废弃 ditty n. 小调, 小曲 ...

2.不用 disunion 分离 disuse 不用 disuse 停用 ...

3.废止 disobey, 不服从 disuse, 废止 disunity, 分裂 ...

4.废用 disturbed children 失调儿童失调儿童 disuse 失用 disuse principle 失用原则 ...

6.废用性) 症候群, 以下何者不正确: (A) 发生原因以废用性(disuse) 及使用过度(overuse) 肌肉无力 (muscle weakness) 为主 (B) 常 …

7.废弃不用 bisabuse v 纠正…错误 disuse v 废弃不用 misuse v 错用;虐待 ...

8.停止使用 ... de-gendered 不论性别 disuse 停止使用 distinctly 明显地 ...


1.He talked to no one, probably not even to her, for his voice had grown harsh and rusty, as if from disuse.他跟谁也不说话,恐怕对她也是如此,他的嗓子似乎由于长久不用变得嘶哑了。

2.This set me in a muse, whether his timidity arose from too long a disuse of any human company.我不禁沉思起来了,他这样的胆小如鼠,是不是因为他远离人群太久了的缘故。

3.While important, they seem to become stale quickly, fall into disrepair or disuse, and are discarded.虽然重要,但是它们似乎很快就过时了,失修或停用,并且报废了。

4.After all the years of disuse (several bridges were blown up), the train pnk between Sarajevo and Belgrade reopened late last year.在停运了这么多年之后(有几座桥梁已经毁坏了),这条连接萨拉热窝和贝尔格莱德的火车路线于去年重新开通了。

5.The Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Route, which had pnked China to the world, lapsed into disuse.连接中国和世界的丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路逐渐被废弃。

6.Hotel of one star class is faced with " the market falls into disuse, want possibly a few years to disappear from the scene too. "一星级酒店正在面临市场淘汰,过几年可能要销声匿迹。

7.In this giant integrated process, the enterprise of nine times out of ten will still face the destiny that fall into disuse .在这次庞大的整合过程中,十之八九的企业仍将面临淘汰的命运。

8.Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.正如铁不用会生锈一样,懒惰也会消磨智力。

9.The author thinks, end fall into disuse in fairness on this one pnk appear easily problem: It is the fairness that working target assesses.笔者认为,末位淘汰在公平这一环节上容易出现问题:一是工作目标考核的公平。

10.The minister's response was: "Disuse is sometimes more efficient than (state) intervention in adapting the law to changing morays. "部长的回应是:“修改法律以适应道德的变化,停止使用有时比政府干预更有效。”