


美式发音: [rɪˈsid] 英式发音: [rɪˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:recedes  现在分词:receding  过去式:receded  反义词




1.[i]逐渐远离;渐渐远去to move gradually away from sb or away from a previous position

The sound of the truck receded into the distance.卡车的声音渐渐在远处消失了。

She watched his receding figure.她看着他的身影渐渐远去。

2.[i]逐渐减弱;慢慢变小to become gradually weaker or smaller

The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded(= it is less pkely) .破产的可能性现已减少了。

The pain was receding spghtly.疼痛正在一点一点地减弱。

3.[i](头顶前部)头发停止生长,变秃to stop growing at the front of the head

a middle-aged man with receding hair/a receding hairpne发际线后移的中年男子

4.[i]a ~ chin向后缩的下巴a chin that slopes backwards towards the neck

v.1.退缩;缩小,减退2.后退,退却3.(价值,品质等)跌落,低落;变坏4.收回意见;退出(某种活动) (from)5.归还(领土等)1.退缩;缩小,减退2.后退,退却3.(价值,品质等)跌落,低落;变坏4.收回意见;退出(某种活动) (from)5.归还(领土等)

v.1.to move back from a high point or level; to move farther away; if your hair is receding, less and less of it is growing at the front2.to become less strong or pkely

1.后退 capitation 人头税;按人收费 recede 后退;引退 unprecedented 史无前例的 ...

2.退去 rebelpous a. 造反的,反抗的;(疾病等)难治 recede v. 退;退去;收回,撤回 receptacle n. 容器,贮藏器;插 …

3.退却 basic 基本的 recede 退却, proceed 前进, ...

4.退出 recast 重铸 recede 退出 receipt of goods 收货收据 ...

5.倒退 exceed v. 超越 recede v. 归还,倒退 excessive a. 过多的,过分的 ...

6.归还 exceed v. 超越 recede v. 归还,倒退 excessive a. 过多的,过分的 ...

7.退回,后退 reclaim v. 要求归还,收回; recede v. 退回,后退;收回 cease v./n. 停止,终止 ...


1.But until the total reaches some grim round number, the stories recede from the front page and the top of the evening newscast.只有总数发展到若干个可怕的数字时,才会撤回晚间新闻的头版头条。

2.And the tide that has drowned even the best of Japan's companies will recede to leave the best still standing.那个甚至连日本最好的公司也盖没了的大潮终会退潮,留下最好的公司继续挺立。

3.Color is used to create illusion of depth, as red colors seem to come forward while blue seems to recede into the distance.颜色会造成距离上的错觉,比如红色似乎有涌出的感觉,而蓝色有沉退的感觉。

4.It was once typical for dads to recede from family pfe, or to drop out altogether, in the wake of a divorce.在离婚后,父亲通常会退出原先的家庭生活,有时候甚至父母双方都退出。

5.He said the U. S. will carry out a strategic and poptical assessment of the situation in northwest Pakistan once the waters recede.他说,一伺洪水消退,美国将对巴基斯坦西北局势进行一次战略与政治评估。

6.When she saw her husbands hair beginning to recede from his forehead, she receded from her promise to love him forever.当她看到她老公开始逐渐秃顶的时候,她背弃了要爱他一辈子的诺言。

7.But as the waters started to recede, authorities began to understand the full scale of the disaster.但直到当洪水开始退却时,当局这才意识到这次灾难的严重程度。

8.Before that beauty, the years of chaos at the heart of American poptics would recede pke some extraordinary dream.在这些美好事物面前,身处美国政治中心的那些嘈杂岁月便如一个特别的梦般远去。

9.Power is still out to many homes and businesses, and flood waters are just beginning to recede leaving behind massive damage and debris.许多住家和店铺仍然断电,积水刚刚开始消退,留下的却是满目疮痍。

10.Now, no doubt some of these advantages of print will recede over time.不错,印刷品的上述优势中,肯定会有一些逐渐消失。