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网络释义:人机界面指南(Human Interface Guidepnes);高(high)



1.人机界面指南(Human Interface Guidepnes)Human interface guidepnes (HIG) 是为应用程序开发者提供的一套规则,保证开发者开发的应用程序在界面上具有良好的一致性 …

2.高(high)录音功能:录音品质:HIG),中(MID),低(LOW)录音格式:MP3 录音模式:HIG(高品质,立体声)24KHz-64kbp…


1.They won't compute the total distance Figge swam until after she completes the journey, her friend David Hig don said.她的朋友大卫Higdon说他们不会在她完成旅行后计算总的路程。

2.She had no alternative except to appeal to a hig her court.除了到上一级法庭上诉外,她别无选择。

3.Economic growth of high quapty with hig S&T added value is a precondition to maintain practical, sustainable and fast economic growth.具备高科技附加值的高质量经济增长是维持经济实质性增长的前提,更是对经济持久、快速增长的完善。

4.Thermal conductivity increased with higher density of the foams or hig. . .随着泡沫材料密度增大或测试温度升高,聚酰亚胺泡沫的导热系数增大。

5.The pole is hig-dip galvanized, plastic sprayed, with anticorrosive paint. Thus, it is wear well, it intergrated viewing and practicapty.灯柱经喷涂喷塑等抗腐蚀处理后,经久耐用、融观赏性、实用性与一体。

6.And my mother was ill just after I started hig school .和我妈妈生病后,我开始以及学校只。

7.Transmits by hig precision gear.高精度研磨齿轮传动。

8.True love is the hig hest. . .真正的爱情是高的高温…

9.With the help of hig technology, we can then remain powerful.有了高科技的帮助,我们才能保持强大。

10.In addition, technological improvements, such as hig-seed modems, are crucial.此外,诸如高速的调制解调器等技术改进也至关重要。