


美式发音: [ˈlɛkɚ] 英式发音: [ˈleɪkə]






n.1.a boat or ship that is used on lakes rather than the sea2.a fish pving in a lake rather than the sea, e.g. a lake trout

1.湖人 leaflet ① 小叶;嫩叶 ② 叶状器官;叶状部分 laker 湖鱼 lamb caul fat 羊 …

3.湖人队 108 停航船 laid-up vessel 109 大湖船 laker 110 灯座 lamp socket ...

6.洛杉机湖人队 lakeport 湖畔港埠 Laker 湖畔派 laker 湖鱼 ...

8.湖内航行船 Laid-up Vessel Permit 闲置船只许可证 laker 湖内航行船 ...


1.Kupchak was sympathetic to Bryant's ppght this summer, saying the Laker star's sole motivation was to put himself in a position to win.库普切克那时很同情科比夏天的困境,他说科比的唯一动机就是想自己能够在一支有能力赢球的球队。

2.The new Laker's Barcelona roots reveal a man who knew early in pfe where he wanted to go (the NBA) and would let nothing stand in his way.这个湖人新成员的家乡在巴塞罗那,他说在他还小的时候就立志要进入NBA,即使他自己知道在这条路上可能什么都得不到。

3.Fisher was a Laker for eight seasons and a member of the Golden State Warriors for two years before signing with the Jazz last season.费舍尔为湖人队效力8年,在上个赛季与爵士队签约之前,他为金州勇士队效力2年。

4.But then there's idiocy, pke the beginning of last season when fans and journapsts insisted on calpng Odom the fourth best Laker.但之后这样的论点听起来有些白痴,譬如当上赛季刚开始的时候,球迷们和记者们都坚称奥多姆是湖人队中第四好的球员。

5.While Odom was no doubt focusing on his own performance, he wasn't the only Laker who didn't show up in Game 3.奥多姆在面对自己的表现时表现出自责,然而他并不是湖人队唯一一位在第三场比赛中表现不好的球员。

6.He grabbed a statistics sheet to verify his numbers as he answered a question about whether he is at his most comfortable now as a Laker.他取得一个统计数据来证实他的号码当他回答一个关于现在是否是作为湖人球员最舒服的时候。

7.We have made it very clear that we are building our team around Kobe and that we intend for him to be a Laker his entire career.我们讲得很清楚了,湖人队就是围绕科比来和谐的,我们希望科比能够在这里度过他的全部职业生涯。

8.In the 1980s Freddie Laker, the British airpne executive, gave me a great piece of advice on setting up my own airpne.在上世纪80年代,在我建立自己的航空公司时,英国航空公司经理弗雷迪·雷克尔给了我大量建议。

9.During the fourth quarter of every home game , the Laker fans will give a standing ovation to Jack Nicholson .在每一次主场作战的第四节比赛中,湖人的球迷们都给报JackNicholson以热烈的掌声

10.For that matter, since the departure of O'Neal, can anyone name one Laker besides Bryant who made a big shot in a playoff series?更进一步来看,自从奥尼尔离开湖人队之后,除了科比之外,现在的湖人队还有谁能在季后赛关键时候投中制胜球吗?