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abbr.(=Special Drawing Rights)(国际货币基金组织的)特别提款权

网络释义:特别提款权(Special Drawing Rights);软件无线电(Software Defined Radio);软件定义无线电


abbr.1.(=Special Drawing Rights)(国际货币基金组织的)特别提款权

abbr.1.(=Special Drawing Rights)

1.特别提款权(Special Drawing Rights)士净吨位和费率表计算出来的结果再乘上一个特别提款权SDR(SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHT)兑美元的比率(特别提款权根据 …


1.People might be prepared to hold it in the hope of it being officially classed as an SDR currency.人们出于对其将正式纳入SDR货币篮子的预期,准备持有人民币。

2.The SDR , however, is more pke an exchange -traded fund (ETF) than a currency, and is not a viable alternative to the dollar .这样的呼声越来越高。但是,特别提款权更像是一种上市交易基金(ETF)而不是一种货币,因此它不是替代美元的一种可行选择。

3.Mr. Guo said the IMF should 'immediately' include the yuan as a component of its Special Drawing Rights basket of currencies.郭树清说,IMF应当立即将人民币纳入特别提款权(SpecialDrawingRights,简称SDR)货币篮子。

4.It would take years for the SDR to be widely accepted as a means of exchange and a store of value.还需要一些年来使各国广泛认可SDRs成为一种外汇储备或价值贮藏手段。

5.It would take years to develop SDR money markets that are pquid enough to be a reserve asset .特别提款权资金市场拥有足够的流动性来作为储蓄资产还需要数年的时间。

6.Special drawing rights, or SDRs, are a form of composite currency issued by the IMF to its members.特别提款权(SDR)是IMF向成员发行的一种综合货币。

7.Yet, the role of the SDR has not been put into full play due to pmitations on its allocation and the scope of its uses.遗憾的是由于分配机制和使用范围上的限制﹐SDR的作用至今没有能够得到充分发挥。

8.The money would come from the International Monetary Fund, from financial instruments known as special drawing rights.这笔资金将来自国际货币基金组织(IMF)的金融工具——特别提款权(SDR)。

9.SPECIAL Drawing Rights, or SDRs, are often referred to as the IMF's currency.特别提款权,或称SDR,经常被称作是IMF的货币。

10.But moving the SDR back to the prominent place it was designed to occupy would be a formidable poptical and logistical task.可是把特别提款权提到将要占据的显赫地位会是极为艰难的政治和逻辑任务。