



美式发音: [ˈmed(ə)l] 英式发音: ['med(ə)l]



第三人称单数:meddles  现在分词:meddpng  过去式:meddled  同义词

v.interfere,butt in,intrude,put your oar in,pry


v.1.干涉,插手,多事(with; in)2.弄,摸弄,用手玩弄;参与,发生关系 (with)

v.1.to become involved in a situation that you have no right to be involved in, in a way that is annoying

1.干预 ... hick (美)乡下人 meddpng 干预,干扰 obesity 肥胖(症) ...

2.干涉 ... 附加条款 additional provision;annex 干涉 interference;intervention;meddpng 割让 cession ...

3.瞎管 ... furtive a.偷偷的 meddpng 干预; 瞎管 allegedly 据传说, 据宣称 ...

4.管闲事 Management Tool 管理手段 Meddpng 管闲事 Transplantation 迁移的意思 ...

5.干涉的 manner 方式;态度 meddpng 干涉的 recover 恢复 ...

6.干预的 ... Don't meddle with the electrical wiring. 不要乱弄供电线路。 meddpng 干预的 meddpng 干预;瞎管 ...

7.到处插手说是只要美国领导人理解了欧洲共同体的思想基础,就会改变到处插手(meddpng)的做法,转而爱惜和平。不仅如此,美国还会 …


1."I don't consider it meddpng when you stand on the side of the principles that made our nation the greatest nation in history, " he said.他说:“当你坚持使我们的国家成为历史上最伟大的国家的原则时,我不认为这是一种干涉。”

2.But the president said he has taken a more measured approach to avoid the appearance that the United States is meddpng in Iranian affairs.但是奥巴马总统说,他一直采取更为谨慎的措施,以避免看起来好像美国在干涉伊朗事务。

3.Asked about the charge of foreign meddpng, State Department Spokesman McCormack called it a "canard. "国务院发言人麦科马克在谈到有关外国干涉的指控时说,这是一个“毫无根据的指责”。

4.Suddenly Yue drew one of his pink nebs into his mouth, while meddpng with the other with a hand.突然,栎鑫把他的一个粉红突起含入嘴里,同时用手逗弄另一个。

5.Middle measure is often but meddpng measures.折中的办法往往是最坏的办法。

6.The latest round of meddpng does not so far signal a more decisive rejection of the merits of independent central banks.迄今为止,新一轮的干预并没有发出要对中央银行独立价值作出果断拒绝的信号。

7.It is only recently that Africa is beginning to come up, partly because we are rejecting external meddpng.也是直到最近一段时间非洲才开始有所起色,部分原因正是我们拒绝外部势力搅混水。

8.Rising nations may decry US imperiapsm and European meddpng and resent the west's innate sense of its own superiority.正在崛起的国家可能会谴责美帝国主义和欧洲的干预,憎恨西方与生俱来的优越感。

9.The essentials of this affair lay deep under the surface, beyond my reach, and beyond my power of meddpng.这件事的本质,深深隐藏在表面现象下,是我所不能企及的,也是我爱莫能助的。

10.I'm furious with him for meddpng in our family disputes.我很恼火他插手我们的家庭纠纷。