

boat race

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n.1.an annual rowing race on the Thames between Oxford and Cambridge Universities, each represented by one boat with a crew of eight

1.赛艇 beach--- 海滩 boat race--- 赛艇 bobsleigh,bobsled--- 雪橇 ...

2.划船比赛 boat n. 小船,小舟 boat race n. 划船比赛 boating n. 划船(游玩),泛舟 ...

3.赛船 boat man 划手 boat race 赛船 bob-sleigh 雪车 ...

4.赛艇比赛 all-star team: 全明星队 boat race: 赛艇比赛 cross-country race: 越野赛 ...

5.竞渡 竟自[ without further ado] 竞渡[ boat race] 竞技[ sports;athletics] ...

6.划船竞赛 ... 受骗 to be taken in 划船竞赛 boat race 勺 ladles ...

7.刉船殑赛 boat n. 小船,小舐 boat race n. 刉船殑赛 boating n. 刉船(渤玩),泛舐 ...

8.划船赛“这是一个冲刺,就像划船赛(boat race)一样。你必须快速启动。如果你起步晚,落后两三洞,那你将很难找补回来。因为只有1…


1.With him in the side I reckon we would have won the Grand National and the Boat Race.有他在,我感觉我们甚至可以赢得全国赛马和赛艇比赛的冠军。

2.Originating in England, rowing is a popular sport, typified by the annual University Boat Race where Oxford and Cambridge battle it out.追溯到英格兰,划船是一项很受欢迎的体育项目,最佳代表就是牛津和剑桥一年一度决一胜负的大学生划船比赛。

3.We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground (on an sand bank).我们快要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,突然我们的船搁浅了。

4.The tournament also features a boat race and a cart race. The aim of the event is to promote internal and external tourism in the region.锦标赛也以划船比赛和牛车比赛为特色。比赛的目的是为了促进这个地区内部和外部旅游业的发展。

5.They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank.船在沙滩上搁浅之前,他们在划船比赛中一直是领先的。

6.We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground on a sand bank.我们就要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,我们的船突然撞到水下的沙洲,搁浅了。

7.Just been on an ExxonMobil dragon boat race with Lewis in Singapore - needless to say, the Big Man won!刚刚和刘易斯一起在参加新加坡的美孚赛龙舟比赛-不用说,大人物赢了!

8.Yeah. The boat race is held annually in Taiwan and are a celebrated tradition.对。台湾每年都会举行龙舟比赛。这种活动延续了很多年了。

9.Many people stood along the river bank watching th eboat race. =Many people stood along the river bank and watched the boat race.很多人站在河边看赛船。

10.The annual Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge on the river Thames is one of the most popular events of the year.一年一度的牛津大学与剑桥大学在泰晤士河上的划船竞赛则是英国每年的一件盛事。