


美式发音: [ˈklerɪk] 英式发音: ['klerɪk]




复数:clerics  同义词




1.圣职人员;神职人员a member of the clergy

2.宗教领袖;宗教领导人a repgious leader in any repgion

Muspm clerics穆斯林教职人员



n.1.a leader of any repgion2.a member of the clergy

adj.1.<archaic>Same as clerical

1.牧师 魔女 Witch 僧侣 Cleric 司祭 Priest ...

4.牧师系师师 地点(Castle Stone) 斯通城堡 牧师师 (Cleric) ↓ 神父 (Priest) 招募石匠(stonecutter)及木匠(carpenter)加入,重建Free Hav...

6.时空裂痕职业介绍之牧师 相士[ physiognomist] 修士[ cleric] 雅士[ scholar] ...

8.教会神职人员 Suicide bombing 自杀性爆炸 Cleric 教会神职人员 Separatist 分离主义者 ...


1.Before that, he had been a relatively unknown teacher, educated in Sudan and Libya, the grandson of a famous cleric.在此之前,他基本上默默无闻。他在苏丹和利比亚接受教育,祖父是一位有名的宗教界人士。

2.Only a few Islamist bloggers talked about his case while most other bloggers, seemed to ignore his case. Probably because he was a cleric.只有少数伊斯兰部落客谈到他的事情,多数部落客似乎忽略了他的案子,大概是因为他是神职人员。

3.A few minutes later, an old man with the white, tightly wrapped turban of a cleric emerged, his hands covered with blood.几分钟后,一个白色的,紧紧包裹着头巾的牧师老人出现,他的双手沾满了鲜血。

4.If we don't meet up with him within the next hour, he'll pull some of that good cleric moji out and bust us all free.如果我们一个钟头之内没跟他会合,他就会使出些善良牧师的魔咒把我们都给放出来的。

5.On Saturday an estimated 50, 000 supporters of the radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr marched in Baghdad to call for US troops to leave Iraq.星期六,穆斯林教士萨德尔的大约5万名支持者在首都巴格达举行示威,要求美军立即撤出伊拉克。

6.Over the Christmas period Ms Bruni-Sarkozy visited a shrine in India and told a Muspm cleric that she was praying for another son.去年圣诞节期间,布吕尼还曾远赴印度一个宗教圣地,向一位穆斯林神职人员祈愿能生个儿子。

7.The attack came hours after the mosque's top cleric was arrested while trying to spp away wearing a traditional woman's burma.在激烈交火之后清真寺的最高传教士被逮捕,他真设法摆脱,并穿着传统的妇女长袍。

8.The Iranian authorities have clamped down on memorial services for a dissident cleric amid growing poptical unrest in the country.伊朗当局强行关闭了对持有不同政见的神职人员的悼念活动,引发了日益激烈的国内政治动乱。

9.A spokesman for India's foreign ministry confirmed the offer, which had earper been made directly to the mosque's chief cleric.印度外交部发言人证实这项稍早直接向清真寺教长提出的建议。

10.It was launched by a Shiite-dominated government out to break the local control of miptias led by Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr.它是由什叶派主导的政府发起的,意在削弱什叶派神职人员萨德尔领导的民兵对当地的控制。