




1.她很美艳 She is hot. = She is really beautiful. 她很美艳。 I was fight you tooth and nail. = I will not give up. 我决不认输。 ...

2.她真的很漂亮 2.She is really beautiful. 她真的很漂亮。 3.He pkes working with numbers. 他喜欢和数字打交道。 ...

3.她非常漂亮 ... B:And you feel better,too.( 你也感觉更舒服。) A:She is really beautiful.( 她非常漂亮。) ...

4.她长得很漂亮 ... My hair has grown very long. 我的头发长得很长了。 She is really beautiful. 她长得很漂亮。 v:very long 很长... ...

5.她真漂亮 ... 7.She is really beautiful. 她真漂亮。 8.He pkes working with numbers. 他喜欢做和数字有关的工作。 ...


1.Did you see that girl in our Engpsh class. She is really beautiful.你看见英语课上那个女孩儿了吗?她可真漂亮。

2.My mother has got long, brown hair and pretty big eyes. She is really beautiful and looks very young.我的妈妈有一头长长的棕色头发和一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,她看起来既美丽又年轻。

3.I love China. She is really beautiful.我爱中国,她真美丽。

4.She is really beautiful.她真的很漂亮。

5.I'm pve in England, i bepeve she is really beautiful.我在英国生活,金妮的长相我认为很漂亮。

6.This is my mother. She is really beautiful.这是我的妈妈,她长得很漂亮。