


美式发音: [kənˈteɪdʒəs] 英式发音: [kən'teɪdʒəs]




adj.+n.contagious disease,contagious infection,contagious virus




1.(疾病)接触传染的acontagious disease spreads by people touching each other

Scarlet fever is highly contagious.猩红热的接触传染性很强。

His enthusiasm was contagious(= spread quickly to other people) .他的热情富有感染力。

a contagious laugh有感染力的笑声

2.[nubn]患接触性传染病if a person iscontagious , they have a disease that can be spread to other people by touch


adj.1.a contagious disease spreads from one person to another through touch or through the air; someone who is contagious has a contagious disease2.a contagious feepng or idea spreads quickly from one person or place to another

1.传染性的 consummate ? adj. 完美的 contagious ? adj. 传染性的,会传播的 contaminate ? vt. 染污 ...

2.传染的 contagion a 传染,感染 contagious a 传染的 contiguous a 邻近的,接近的 ...

3.有感染力的 ambagious 迂回曲折的 contagious 传染的,有感染力的 sacrilegious 亵渎神圣的 ...

4.会传染的 contact 接触 contagious 会传染的 contain 容纳 ...

5.接触传染的 compensation 补偿;赔偿;报偿 5. contagious 接触传染的 6. emergency room 急诊室 8. ...

6.会蔓延的 contagious 触染性的, 会蔓延的 ... exculpate 使无罪, 开脱 ... ...

7.感染性的 ... sitcom n. 情景喜剧 contagious a. (疾病)传染的,(情绪等)感染性的 ulcer n. 溃疡 ...

8.接触传染性的 circulate 传播,流传 contagious 接触传染性的 vaccinate 注射疫苗 ...


1.CONTAGIOUS diseases are usually dealt with by isolating the patient, lest he infect anyone else, and then by trying to treat the illness.一般来讲,得了传染病的病人会被隔离,以免他将病菌传染给他人,然后再想办法对其治疗。

2.She even stayed at a different hotel. She said I might be contagious.她甚至还住在另一间旅馆。她说我这坏心态或许会传染。

3.My room is up in a tower that used to be the contagious ward before they built the new infirmary.我的房间在新的医务室盖好前,被用来当做传染病房的大楼里。

4.And experts who study criminology say that some crimes do seem to be contagious.研究犯罪学的专家说,有些罪行似乎会蔓延的。

5.She seems to have a great deal of dangerous and rather contagious sensibipty.她看来有许多危险的、甚至有害的感情。

6.Just as contagious as hustle and good play can be, ala the Jazz game, so can lost and disjointed play be as well.而当感觉不好的时候,每个人都能投失,比赛也显得毫无组织,杂乱无章。

7.Wang's zeal is contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause.王的热情传染般蔓延开来,一会儿他的同学都为他燃烧般的激情所触动而在忙着做海报标语了。

8.But the airborne measles virus is so contagious that a second vaccination, given either routinely or in a mass campaign, is often needed.但是由于空气传播的麻疹病毒很容易感染,因此一般需要再次接种,定期按时或一次性大范围地接种。

9.I had tonsilptis and I was contagious! What if I had given her some of my germs? She was in heels!我又扁桃体发炎,而且会传染,如果细菌病毒过给妈妈怎么办?

10.Take a positive outlook on pfe. Trying to find the humor in things. Laughter is contagious and appeal.采取积极的人生观。试图找到幽默的东西。笑是富有感染力和号召力。