




1.谢尔 Shaul= 谢乌尔(请求;上帝的要求) Sher= 谢尔(狮子) Sherwin= 谢尔温(热情的朋友) ...

2.舍尔-高仿园艺植物 Aimushi 爱木仕 Sher 舍尔-高仿园艺植物 KUCCI- 高琪2010秋冬款 ...

3.豹纹 shhing_ 慧 说... Sher豹纹 说... Akira 思胜 说... ...

4.周银平 左玉琴( yuqin-.) 周银平( sher) 李婵( pchan5214) ...

5.欢呼 题目: 人群 crowd 题目: 欢呼 sher 题目: 线 threat ...


1.Barry Sher, of the law firm Paul Hastings, said owners of mortgage-backed securities may well file suit.PaulHastings律师事务所的BarrySher表示,抵押支持证券(MBS)的所有者们很可能会提起诉讼。

2.Holman Fenwick's Perth office will be led by newly recruited ptigation partner Jupan Sher.夏礼文珀斯代表处将由新招聘来的诉讼合伙人朱利安·希尔领导。

3.He sher hair affectionately.他深情地抚摩着她的头发。

4.Will you keep her warm when the darkness falls will you please shine sher the way.当黑暗来临。你能不能让她温暖。阳光普照。

5."It's great because they change my entire face shape, " Sher says.“那真的很棒,因为它们改变了我整个脸型,”谢尔说。

6.Last year in April, lawyers beat former federal minister Dr. Sher Afgan Niazi in front of the LHC.去年4月,律师在LHC前殴打了前联邦部长Dr.SherAfganNiazi。

7.Structure Design for Large Bays Sher Wall of High-rise Residential Building with Corner Windows有转角窗的高层住宅大开间剪力墙结构设计

8.Look over the Development of Lao Sher's Composing Viewpoint from the Character of the wagoner从车夫形象的塑造看老舍创作观的发展